New Grower AutoCobs/AutoPots in 4x4 Tent, Unboxing and Setup

More developments with the setup! I finally got around to installing the sump pump for the basement sink! Now I can get water and dump waste just a few feet from my tent!

I already had a sink installed but the pump had blown, so I replaced it with this Zoeller unit. This thing is so powerful that it only takes about two seconds to discharge a bucketful! Here it is with the rest of the stuff I had to get to connect it to my plumbing.

The sink works great and just in time because I plan to fire up the hydroponics this weekend!
So bro. What kind of lights are them. An how many watts. An have you used them before. How many autos do you plan on doing. Thanks. Good work bro!!!!

Hey Clemsonboss, they are AutoCobs! These are 55 actual watts per light. I have six of them four plants in a 4X4 tent. They are made with love by AFN's own @BigSm0! This thread shows first time using them (or growing at all, really!), but there are lots of threads on the site with folks who are using them with great results. There's a section on the forums dedicated to them.
Just finished a few upgrades to the grow space yesterday! I built a raised floor for the grow tent out of some lumber I had left over from another job. I looked at just grabbing a pallet for free but the only ones I could find were next to a dumpster, they were kind of moldy with bugs flying around them, plus the way they are configured is not ideal for my purposes. So I hammered together a raised floor and I was able to customize it just the way I wanted!

Here's the floor sitting in the tent. You can see the intake ducting runs right under the floor

The ducting leads straight to the middle of the tent, where my new fan blows the fresh air and hopefully creates plenty of turbulence and circulation in the tent. Seems to work so far!

I was also able to run the tubes for the autopots, airdomes, and power cord for the fan under the floor, that way those things are constantly in the way and taking up floor space. Looking at this pic makes me think I should lift those feed tubes off the floor though, so the water from the res doesn't get chilled en route to the pots.
I also turned on the reservoir for the autopots and the air pump for the airdomes, here they are in their working configuration

Reservoir and the air pump on their stand next to the tent

Here's the whole setup with my girlies moved back in and enjoying the autopot feed!

Here is the aquavalve in action. LOL I don't know what I was expecting but it was a little anticlimactic turning on the autopot system. After filling the reservoir, I turned the main valve to the flow position. The pots just filled slowly and silently with about an inch of water then stopped.
@SPZ Thanks for these great pics of your immaculate home for the wild ones. Our minds do some strange shit to us. Great anticipation and then OMG is that it!!!!!!!! I MEAN IS THAT F'''''G IT.

then we shrug our shoulders and say uhmf. Isn't life strange.
Picked up the "Apollo Horticulture UV400" grow room glasses on Amazon. These are a cheap alternative to the Method Sevens which are popular but cost like $80. Should have bought them a lot sooner. I was starting to get headaches from spending time under the lights, and I found that if I spent time under them at night I had a hard time sleeping. I started wearing sunglasses, which helped, but these things really are superior. They wrap around so no light gets in the sides and have extra dark lenses. You can work comfortably for an extended period and even see the screen on your phone under the lights. Keep 'em by the tent now and wear them religiously if I open it during lights on.

Picked up the "Apollo Horticulture UV400" grow room glasses on Amazon. These are a cheap alternative to the Method Sevens which are popular but cost like $80. Should have bought them a lot sooner. I was starting to get headaches from spending time under the lights, and I found that if I spent time under them at night I had a hard time sleeping. I started wearing sunglasses, which helped, but these things really are superior. They wrap around so no light gets in the sides and have extra dark lenses. You can work comfortably for an extended period and even see the screen on your phone under the lights. Keep 'em by the tent now and wear them religiously if I open it during lights on.

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Well I see you are getting a good reputation and a new Avatar. Now I will not have to ask What the SPZ means. Well now I need to google it as I have no idea what it means...............

OH nice glasses @SPZ
Well I see you are getting a good reputation and a new Avatar. Now I will not have to ask What the SPZ means. Well now I need to google it as I have no idea what it means...............

Ha, you probably won't find too much info on google about protocol zero, there is only one other person in the world who knows what it means fully, but needless to say it is one of the many ways of saying let's smoke some pot. Short and easy.

About a week or ten days ago a generous site admin dropped trophies all around, and I keep meaning to figure out who it was and thank them for the bling! :pimp:

I put the pirate avatar on the shelf FOR NOW, it is too good for every day, but Talk Like a Pirate Day is right around the corner on September 19 and I plan on visiting LSG in full regalia...

OH nice glasses @SPZ

If you're just joing us, we unboxed the autopots yesterday so I'm going to proceed to the nutes and medium. The nutrient setup I went with is the Advanced Nutrients Sensi line with a few additions, it is again 100% coped from @Hansbricks fantastic autopot runs and I will be copying his feeding schedule as closely as possible. Here is a pic of all the nutes I ordered from Amazon.

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I also ordered some pH test solution but it never came. I will get that refunded on Amazon and probably order a test meter instead, if someone has a favorite meter I'm open to any recommendations!
Your grow from the beginning is so like mine....I love it!!!!
Did I hang the AutoCobs, you ask? Yes and then some, I say :headbang:

With six lights, power management is important. I have a spool of velcro wrap. I've cut two lengths, one for the left side lights and one for the right side lights. Since they are both velcro it is easy to stick the two bundles together as seen here.
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You also need to manage the spare cord from the ratcheting hangers. I just tucked them behind the tent bars so they're out of the way and I don't have to bundle them.
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This is what my ladies are going to see looking up from the bottom. Worship the light, girls!
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Six autocobs in their full glory.
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Wow....this setup is TIGHT!! Excellent job you did. Your thread was so informative :)