New Grower AutoCobs/AutoPots in 4x4 Tent, Unboxing and Setup

Sweet, Nosias, I'm pulling for you! :yay1:

Yeah I sure learned about coco, ph and buffering the hard way! I've got my next batch of seeds sitting in a wet paper towel now, should be planting them tonight or tomorrow morning. I'll let you know how it goes! :watering:
will you start a new thread?
Yup I'm planning on it, will invite everyone (again, sigh). Just falling a bit behind on posting...
So like what else is new....we get pulled in many directions at one time. You will get to it.

Aug 31 is my sweetie's B-day. We leave in am for a 4 day U-haul trip. We get back on the 29th. But I am loving it.

So like what else is new....we get pulled in many directions at one time. You will get to it.

I will, but not tonight! Hey have fun on your trip, sounds like you're popping seeds as soon as you get back, sweet! :woohoo1:

I've been working in the basement so I've got some more setup stuff to share...
I received some more goodies in the mail for the grow room! One of the more important components of environmental control is the dehumidifier, especially for the basement. I had a ten year old 40-pint model. It was always undersized for the space and over the years it had gotten to the point where it was consuming power to generate noise and not much else. Bring in the new unit. Almost double the size, nice and quiet, rated for continuous operation. It is the most popular one on amazon, hopefully I get ten years out of this one.

Front of box

Some info on the back of the box

Easy to connect it to a water discharge pump with a length of garden hose

It only really fit in the space turned around backward, but I don't think it matters. The dehumidified air goes out the left side in this picture.

The only thing is now I can't hear constant whirring the old one made, gonna have to get used to the silence!
OK, I'm going to start out with the autocobs I purchased from @BigSm0 here on AFN! Let me say that if you are looking for some lights you should PM BigSm0, he will hook you up! He helped me decide between products and get the optimal number of lights for my grow space, plus gave me a great price on a set of six. I'm really excited about the cobs because of the energy efficiency and the flexibility. I can use these for the tent or for supplemental light in a possible future greenhouse project. The total package is 330W actual (55W per light) and some dudes on the forums are pulling like 1.8g per watt with these puppies, if I get half that I'll be like :jump:

The cobs shipped priority the the day I ordered them (Monday) and they were waiting for me today when I got home from work, SWEET!

All six AutoCobs were packed in two surprisingly small but heavy unmarked boxes:
View attachment 750369

Contents of the boxes, two cobs in one box, four in the other.
View attachment 750378

Contents exploded: six lights, three two-packs of hangers, and a sticker! No assembly required!
View attachment 750379

Here's a closeup of the light. It has a tiny black and red wire that run into the housing. Presumably the COB itself is replaceable when it wears out.
View attachment 750380

Here's the top of the unit. It has a plastic casing for the electronics and a reinforced hang loop that fits the supplied hangers perfectly. These things are built like a tank!
View attachment 750381

Careful inspection revealed no shipping damage and all six lights turned on and shone with a bright white light. Time will tell how they grow for me but they make a great first impression! It's nap time for me, but stay tuned, tomorrow evening I will post more pics. Up next are the AutoPots...

Hey man your setup is looking awesome!
I got sick of using pots and pans from my kitchen for watering, so I bought some more kit to facilitate that and I think I've got it dialed in now

For about $12 I picked up 15 syringes on Amazon. They range in size from 100ml to 1ml. These are perfect for sucking up nutes

Since there are so many in the pack I dedicated one syringe to each nute so I have the right size handy and I don't have to worry about cross-contamination

I also picked up a 5l pitcher with 100ml measuring marks for measuring and mixing nutrient solution, and a 5l watering can with a long stem for watering in the back of the tent, and watering rose for a gentle sprinkle, since I only need to top water smaller plants for the first few weeks

I used this for my last watering and the setup works great! Really fast and easy to mix the nutes in the pitcher and then pour a measured amount into the watering can for each plant.
Hey my new grow thread playing with this setup is here by the way. With any luck I'll get some results this time! :kitty:
So bro. What kind of lights are them. An how many watts. An have you used them before. How many autos do you plan on doing. Thanks. Good work bro!!!!