New Grower AutoCobs/AutoPots in 4x4 Tent, Unboxing and Setup

Little light leak but its nothing super glue doesn't fix. From what I've seen on different reviews when I was looking at tents. Little dab on the pinhole and if you have to black sharpie marker.
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Little light leak but its nothing super glue doesn't fix. From what I've seen on different reviews when I was looking at tents. Little dab on the pinhole and if you have to black sharpie marker.

Thanks for the tip, Bushmaster. Will definitely do that as I want to keep the option open to grow photo's down the line if there's a strain I'm keen to pop. Also the tent is a little less stealthy when that cob light is glowing out of it like the spaceship in close encounters lol.

I'm trying to figure out how to light proof the intake vents now and also dial in the air circulation if anyone has any other techniques to share :thumbsup:
Looks like your just about in range! The lights wont create much more heat than where you are now and once you get those Mephisto ladies in there with a few leaves, the humidity will go up a bit as well! You've got the makings of an awesome grow! Congrats! And slight light leaks are perfectly fine with autos! No worries there!

Thanks Proph, I think the space is going to work really well especially the environmentals. The basement stays a consistent temp throughout the year and the autocobs contribute such a small amount of heat it should be easy to keep it dialed in.

I've got a few last improvements to make over the next week to ten days, then I hope to crack some beans!
Seen this posted elsewhere. But here someone used a filter for their intake to keep the creepy crawly's from getting sucked in the tent. Then you could use a 90 degree rubber or pvc coupling which should cut the light from your air intake.
Seen this posted elsewhere. But here someone used a filter for their intake to keep the creepy crawly's from getting sucked in the tent. Then you could use a 90 degree rubber or pvc coupling which should cut the light from your air intake.

Haha that reminds me that I used to have a plow truck that I only drove in the winter. Every damn summer a mouse would move into the air intake and I would have to clean the nest out before I could start it.

I think you're on to something there with the black elbow coupling, Bushmaster, I'm going to have to see if I can dig up some.
The thermometer had been in the tent with the lights and fans running 24/0 long enough to reset it's high/low memory. It stays in a really nice zone around 70 degrees with 40-45% humidity.

Hi all! More unboxing pics to share! I called autopot-usa to check the status of my air domes, and it turned out they arrived yesterday and were waiting at the post office!

Another surprisingly small box!

I didn't want to have to go back to the well so I just ordered all the accessories I could think of, guess I should have done that from the start!
The contents were wedged in there really good, here they are exactly as they came, left to right
- Air domes and their bubblers. These were pre-assembed. Not sure what the four little line connectors are for, but always good to have extra
- Airdome air hose, the instructions below say this should be clear but I got black!
- A few meters of extra tubing for connecting my reservoir outside my tent
- Pot Socks - these are an extra layer of root fabric that goes on the outside of the autopot. They are supposed to stop any over-eager roots from growing into the autovalves

Hoping to get the autopots all set up tonight!
More special deliveries yesterday! While I was cleaning up our entrance way I was folding up and putting away a few reusable grocery bags that had been laying in a corner for a week or so. Well, apparently I had thrown some mail in one of those bags and forgotten about it in the rush of deliveries that were showing up around that time. In the mail were two tiny amazon packages that contained my missing pH test kit and some and some line cleaner that is supposed to be good for flushing hydro lines and medium


This list of tips for growing in autopots recommends using the line cleaner ATACLEAN, I couldn't source that, hopefully this drip clean is the same stuff. I know the ph test kits suck, hopefully it will tide me over until I can afford a bluelab meter.