Mephisto Genetics Autobeast and yeatster grow hubbabubbasmelloscope

Welcome to the new growers in here ;)happy growing;) mcdee i only top autos mate and train them lst supercrop if needed ,defol .i strip all bottom growth also on autos.but i have never fimmed an auto my friend i dont see the point;) well my hbss is budding strong.she was topped at day 18 of life and then left to grow.she is the biggest plant in the tent.she is 52 days old today;)View attachment 716488 View attachment 716489 View attachment 716490 View attachment 716491happy growing every1;)
Sorry Autobeast thought you did Fiming too been looking at a bunch got you mixed up with somebody else. Been following you here for few weeks, your shit is next level growing brother! Seeing your ladies makes me want to grow better plants, tip my hat to you sir. I have to ask why not fim, heard it's less stressful? I'm new to growing and have heard only lst, so trying to wrap my head around this. You and a few others prove all the wrong. I'll be watching and hopefully learning from you. Keep up the good work bud!
Mcdee, first I must say, there are a plethora of better gardeners than I, on this site. That being said, I start bloom nutes right before flower. Not preflower. Right about when the stretch is ending and those pistil balls show up.

This will be getting bloom nutes, next feed.
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Ya mine aren't there yet. Saw a post a life cycles of auto's by Muddy. Good stuff corrected my about to be mistake on switching from grow to bloom nutrients it said 5-6 weeks of veg life was gonna start day 38-39. But gonna hold off a bit longer till look more like your gals.

Here is 1 of my skywalkers it was odd looking from the start. Looks like it was mainlined/manifold have heard it called both. Only LST has been done, anyone seen anything like this? Looking like it will pump out a lot more than I thought. Smallest of the bunch but funky I like it.
Mcdee u wna hold off till after stretch has stopped before u flip to bloom.if u want the biggest plant possible;)
Ya is it obvious when stretch is over, only 2nd grow first was last May? Still learning day by day 1st grow was kinda a blur didn't use base nutrients just ffof and some busy candy rhino skin b52 big bud and overdrive. Didn't use them at correct times. Went by they veg for 4 weeks then put bloom additives in cause that's when the I was seeing from people. Now I know that's wrong so first grow was good could have been much better. Still looks to be in pre flower today so still giving grow nutrients.
Mcdee thanks for the kind words.fimming is ok if u like it.but topping is best for more dominant colas and a great structure of plant.topping an auto at the correct time does not shock them or slow growth 1 bit;) happy growing;)
OK, got what your saying. What is the correct time? I topped my northern light on accident, was using wrong wire ties not soft ones and sliced it off when just into bloom. Think that's why I got 4oz's from it lol. Fortunate accident I guess, I'll take it.