New Grower The beginner test (AutoBeast) grow.

Today is day 53. I noticed the past few days I am starting to get some leaf tip burning. No other symptoms are showing so I am sure it’s starting to get some nutrient burn. With that I decided to drop my feed down from 4ml each of Sensi Bloom A+B to 2ml each in 1.5 L of water. I didn’t feed any Cal-Mag as well. The water is RO water PH’d up to 6.3 The temperature is steady at 75 with a RH of 59 percent. The buds are starting to fatten up. Some of the white pistols are starting to turn orange. Only a few orange pistols are visible.


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So today is the day I decided to start a two week flush. Checking the trichomes I noticed a few amber on each bud I checked. Coming to the end of this grow journal and damn it went quick. I will post a few more times with pictures and definitely on chop day. Will be giving the plant RO water with nothing in it. These two pictures shows the breeders grow and my grow at the same amount of days. I hope you all enjoyed and will post the final stuff like mentioned. I will rate this grow style at the end as well. Thanks and enjoy your day.


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Today is day 67. Been giving her RO water with nothing in it. Starting to get more amber trichomes with a lot of cloudy. I have decided that after her next 18/6 light cycle she will get 48hrs of darkness before the chop. Once I give her the chop I will review the (AutoBeast) grow style. Here are a few pictures of her currently along with what I have in my tent now. Thanks for looking.


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Today was the end of this grow. She is in a separate tent getting her 48hrs of darkness. After that period she will get chopped and hung to dry. I will post some bud shots once the drying period is over. I really don’t care about the weight. It’s all personal use anyway. I give this grow style an easy 10/10 because of its ease to follow. I did make the mistake of using to many nutrients about midway through the grow. I shouldn’t have jumped to 4ml each of Sensi Bloom A+B so quickly. I had to dial it back to 2ml each. Never had any issues other than some burnt tips that stayed with me until end. I will be using this grow style for my autos. I am now going to try and grow a few photoperiod plants and see how that goes. Haven’t decided on a grow style yet. I appreciate all the support from those that gave it. Here are two pictures of her going into her darkness period. Thank you.


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