New Grower The beginner test (AutoBeast) grow.

Today is day 21 so she is 3 weeks old. She took her feeding well yesterday so I will bump it up on the next feeding this Thursday. These pictures are yesterday and then today. Can already see more good growth in just a day. Will report back on Thursday after the feeding. Thanks for looking.


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Today was the second feed for this girl. I bumped up the amount to 1.75 ML of A+B Sensi Grow and 1ml of Cal-Mag because I am using RO water. Started a little bit of LST. Still not quite sure how to LST a freaking fat bush. Temp in the tent is 73 in the morning and a max of 77 F. The humidity is 53 at the low and 56 at the high. Here is a pick of my Mephisto ( not sure if I butchered the name) double grape. She has a week to go and she gets the chop. If anyone is looking for a resilient cultivar then double grape should be a choice. I did all kinds of crap wrong and she still looks good. The smell is strong!!!! Is cultivar the correct pronunciation for that? Anyway……thanks for looking. Take care and enjoy your day. Oh and today is day 23 for the bushy girl.


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Please excuse the crazy plants in the back. The one on the left is natural with no LST or anything. The other had LST. Wanted to see what an untrained plant would do. It’s a frosty nightmare.
Today is day 26. She is turning into a monster/bushy plant. She is super healthy (Knock on wood) and today was her 3rd feeding. I bumped the feed up to 2.25 ML of Sensi A+B Grow. PH the water to 6.5 and I am using RO water. No cal mag this feeding. Temperature is 76 degrees F and the humidity is at 60. I did bottom feed half of the 1.5 Liters. Light is at 50 percent power at 20 inches away. Thanks for looking. Take care


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Sooo today is day 29 for this big bushy girl. She is a little over a foot tall. Today was a feed day. I fed 3ml of Sensi grow A+B in RO water PH’d up to 6.5. Light is at 24 inches at 50 percent power. About to switch to 75 percent at 24 inches in a few days as recommended by the light manufacturer. That will put me in the 500-ish area of PAR. I bottom fed half of the 1.5 Liters of feed water. Tent temp is at 76 at mid day and in the morning around 72-ish. RH is hovering at 56-61 percent. Going to need a purchase a dehumidifier for flower. So far she is rolling along. I know this journal is going to be long because I post every feed now plus the day after picture. Really want to detail this as much as possible for myself to look back on and adjust if needed. Thanks for looking. Take care.


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I am not playing around with my PH. Got a blue lab and an Apera instruments PH Pen. Which ever the blue Apera one is….the 60 or something….the blue one.
The day after feed photo and my first attempt at LST. If you have any pointers for how to LST this girl I am all ears. I was as nervous as hell doing this. I am to inexperienced to even mess with the main cola sight. These branches have side branches so I am clueless from what you see. Thanks for looking.


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