Mephisto Genetics Autobeast and yeatster grow hubbabubbasmelloscope

One of these days I'm gonna grow every plant perfectly, like my man beast. I've been watching him since I started and I'm honored to grow a big girl with him. I'm a couple weeks behind but I'll catch up!
One of these days I'm gonna grow every plant perfectly, like my man beast. I've been watching him since I started and I'm honored to grow a big girl with him. I'm a couple weeks behind but I'll catch up!
Im newer to autos and new to organic so still learning as I go. A pound in a 4x4 is great shit YOU could do better once we get these figured out and really step our game up. Hope this sumer I can break 650 grams from one harvest out my 5x5.
Im newer to autos and new to organic so still learning as I go. A pound in a 4x4 is great shit YOU could do better once we get these figured out and really step our game up. Hope this sumer I can break 650 grams from one harvest out my 5x5.
Thanks man. I think I got it figured out now. I up potted to early but I have faith. Hubbabubbasmelloscope is a tough plant and this is but a minor setback. I guarantee I will have a big beautiful plant. Thanks to @mephisto!
Yeats she looks great mate;) u should pot them in final pot always for best result of ur autos.and yea bro i give all my plants just plain water for first 3 weeks of it and she will love u for it and grow fast u will see;) she will soon be a big of luck mate and happy growing;)
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Yeats thanks mate.keep saying get urself onto the soil biobizz lightmix.its pure magic for plants.and after seeimg results using it.ul be sorry u didnt switch sooner;) once u find the perfect soil and dial in ur feed and know what ur plants want and when.then u cnt really go wrong.its great to be growing a plant with ya mate and watch u grow with all u have learned along ur growing journey.quality.happy growing;)
Yeats ;) u should pot them in final pot always for best result of ur autos.

The reasoning behind starting in a solo cup was because I was timing germinating seeds wwith 2 day shipping, for new promix. 2 days turned into 4 days. I had to put thon something, so I used recycled Promix, from previous harvest.

I wasn't sure when to up pot. This was clearly to early
sorry to hear that yeats bro.not good mate,best of phone fucked up today so in for will be no pics of my girl for another 3 days.using laptop at are so much bigger and more clear .not bad .let me know how she gets on mate.happy growing;)