Grow Room Auto White Widow (Seedsman freebie) in 2 litre bottle

Day 1 (old seed)
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I accidentally dropped something from my new dwc set up on to the 2 litre and the seedling died, not worried though, another one is in a papertowel today
I accidentally dropped something from my new dwc set up on to the 2 litre and the seedling died, not worried though, another one is in a papertowel today
Bummer. Still though, on the bright side, it was a freebie.
Bummer. Still though, on the bright side, it was a freebie.
I tend to have accidents a lot, but I agree, was a freebie, and another one should not be too bad, the brighter side is it was growing nice roots and it was only 2/3 days old so that's the best part. I was considering dwc but I think I'm going to do a mephisto 3 bears of as my first dwc grow.
Day 11, she's growing fast. What I did in the end was this; promix bx, one jobes organic 4-4-4 spike and tap water I think it was either day 3 or day 5 I watered it with general hydroponics with floramicro floragro and flora bloom at 1 tbsp per gallon and watered till it drained off. My next watering was at day 7 and I watered with tap water. Today is day 11 and I will be waiting on watering until the soil dries out and will do another nutrient feeding and then water. I have come to the conclusion that you can use promix without any additives and just use the gh line like I am since promix has no nutrients.
Here's the photo.