Auto Warriors Do...BigSm0 3rd Feb 2017

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I'm suplementing a light with a pair of similar cobs. Made a big difference! I've got some of the nicest looking seed plants I've grown yet! They usually look like they'd say: GET these things outta! I'll get a pic

I'm thinking about getting 2 COB's to use combined with a ViparSpectra 1000, in a 4 x 4 tent. I may just get them from the site here if I don't feel comfortable building it myself.

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Think I fixed the ones that weren't tagging properly. Hope that helps arty!
Ta Elle!!:bighug:
You wouldn't believe how much I am scrabbling around in the back ground lmao.
I'm sending you some rep for your fantastic vibe thanks for helping out, it is very much appreciated!:slap:
Hey guys, I am pulling my first big harvest (after almost 2 years of working on this project), and I'm pretty excited, I'm averaging about 190g per plant wet so far.

I have heard that you can expect about 1/4 of the wet weight when the plant drys, is that pretty accurate in your experience, or is there a mroe reliable formula, or just no way to tell?
@The Elvis - just read your grow journal on fast buds for Tangiematic. I want to give it a shot as my soon-to-be-ex-dealer has been getting nice orange stuff, a la agent Orange and house of oranje.

A) what's yer fav flav?

3) do you have any specific preferences or just buy and grow as they're found?
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