Auto Warriors Do...BigSm0 3rd Feb 2017

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I hope I'm not out of line by keeping this alive, but I got one more for you, @BigSm0 - as I'm currently on CFL, would switching make my pants bigger, or is that more in genetics?

My main girl is almost 5 weeks from germ, 4.5 weeks above ground, however, she's barely 6 1/4 inches (12-15 cm), am I just being impatient, or is my energy source lacking in some way because it *is* CFL? To expound - I notice many sprouts have a rather considerable wingspan, whereas mine are very tight and compact. I selected my strain as it seemed an intermediary of a photo and an auto (I'm sure you're aware). Here's some pics for reeference

Hand span is 17 cm.View attachment 697060

And this girlie is 7-10 days up? I'd have to look at my journal.

View attachment 697061

Thanks so much for your help!
No problem with me keeping it going. It could be a combination of a lot of things but I personally think lighting is very close to the top reason for plants size. Cfl's in high wattages are bright but the plants don't necessarily care about lumens as much as par. I can tell you I have seen some very nice cfl grows and done fair with it myself but they always seem to be on the smaller side. Nutrients are also a big part too. I think it's mossy who has a thread on the life of an auto and it explains this very well. Timing of grow and flower nutrients can push a plant to flower early and stop growing.
Okay everybody if there are any further questions,Bigsmo is available by PM,dont forget to visit the DIY thread for new and ongoing projects from our members..A HUGE Thank You to Bigsmo for being our guest on the Big Show
COB Tech!!​
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