Indoor Auto topping thread

Here are my current topped autos today.7 and a half weeks old .day 53.both plants were topped very young and let grow.then when they were big enough began lst and supercropped a few branches along the way.but all training is now over.just gna let vertical growth now stop on its own;) first here is automazar
and here is the monsterous northern light blue auto.this the first delicious seeds .auto bean i have im impressed with this girl
and group shots;)
any questions just ask.happy growing every1;)
Nice post .pics dont guessing the topped plant is on the work;)
Hi autobeast and Thanks for the compliments,on the pics,the plant to the right was the topped plant,toped at the third node when the dog bit it,it had 6 main branches,everyrhing grew off those six branches,ill keep the convo coming since i can never leave them alone and i do hope ya give more info cause im always willing to learn more.Yes autos keep getting stronger and im just doing my part to help prove that...peace
These plants are on my current grow in my sig on here.i have just gave nl blue another heavy trim removed all bottom growth and alot of petty side shoots which were fighting for light.i do this to all my autos at preflower.means no time or energy wasted on all petty growth and all focused on top of the plant for all those dominant sites left on the plant. And makes them flower great for big buds;)
Im down with getting rid if the useless lower stuff as well,i feel,if its not gonna grow for sh** why let em steal energy from the parts that will grow good..i have some current grows with the screen( not topped) lst'd and suppercropped..i will be breaking some necks tonight cause i have some crazy growing plants,6" in two days !!! Gotta slap em back in to a manageable shape !!
Bud it works well.ha ha do u have a journel.on here il pop over;)
The link at the bottom of my sig covered all the plants that i showed the pics of,i let another go inactive that showed the benefit of a single fim where rhe fimmed plant yielded 10 extra grams over the other 4 natural plants,i have another mephisto thread that shows the a bunch of short stuff seeds thread coveres non topped scrog and will cover more supercropping tonight..i push em,as much as they can take and this may be where i am hurting them,if ya got any info about timeframes for stress to be induced,im there bro !!!
I don't top as i've found it can slow vertical growth too much, but i do remove the 4th set of leaves under the 5th node to expose the interior and have found that they just explode and bush out afterwards. my blueberry kush auto is just a bush now with dozens of bud sites and i now have 5 colas (1 main 4 side) on the auto galaxy.
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