Indoor Auto topping thread

So your saying you did top it and it still grew to rhe canopy management size??

No sir i just tried to keep tucking branches under the net. I was told topping put too much stress on the autos. I will definitely try.
Okay my pic shows the topped plant ro the right and non topped to the left..rhe difference in rhe strucutre IS because the topping...peace
When I first started growing GSC auto. I researched online and most agreed no topping an auto for life cycle to short to be stunted. So there I was 30 days in on a 60 day auto and 1 main cola for my soon to be flowering GSC made me puke in my mouth with disappointment. So fk it I topped her and was nervouse cause she started her hairs soon after. But she shot up in growth I even tied her down a bit. And boom now from 1 main to 7 healthy budding shoots growing with a pretty even canopy for a missinformed noob. Now I look forward to my AK47's to reach third node so I can begin topping those. Ty for info

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Sent from my LG-H831 using Tapatalk
So look forward to see her progress

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@autobeast I'm growing my very first auto it's on day 20 and it won't be ready to top at the fourth node for a day or two, do you recking it's OK or is that too late and maybe I should just do LST? I'm hoping for the best yield I can.