Indoor Auto topping thread

That is the conventional wisdom yes, with photoperiod plants that logic is totally applicable a plant can yield the same with 3 branches or 10 reason being is because their lifespan is not predetermined as with autos. Just think about it like this, when you top or fim an auto how many days is it till you see new growth coming out, like 3 maybe 4 sometimes longer. That is because the plant is recovering from the stress before putting energy back into growing parts again. So you loose those days with an auto and you cannot get them back no matter what you do, because she is going to flower when she wants. You don't have the flexibility to gain those days back by vegging the plant for those extra days. So with that same plant that you top or fim, if you didn't just try to imagine how much it would grow in those 3 or 4 days. Also when that plant starts growing those tops have you ever noticed that it takes a few days for the growth to get going real good like it was before the topping? That is because the residual effects of stress on the plant are still inhibiting growth.

Also I honestly believe that my setup is going to be the first that I know of that has anything close to actual scientific comparisons when it comes to autos. There may be others out there like the dudes at @mephisto but even then they are more focused on breeding n stuff
I get all that about long veg /photo plants and such,the 1lb thing was a hypothetical comparison between the finished product of a natural plant vs topped plant and usable giant cola or 10 medium cola was the conparison..if rhat plant was predetermined to give 1lb,thats all...heres what i will tell ya from my real life experience and grows from this year.after topping ,the plant maybe slows 10% which is barely noticable with the speed of growth.10% is noticable with the yield,heres a pic of a natural 234 gram plant
and heres pic of the multi fimmed/topped plant at 193 grams.I have no doubt that the fimmed plant would have had a higher yield than the other plant if it was left alone,it might have even out yielded rhe natural plant with just a single fim,it is what it was
but this plant was outgrowing the other so i was trying to slow it down
Not to sound unreasonable, but is it all-together possible that even though ruderalis genes are relatively pre-determined, that stress w/ proper recovery could actually extend the life mildly to accommodate for the bounce-back?? I feel that is definitely a possibility with the stronger genetics that some of the breeders produce.. Gotta remember, a lot of these plants have photo-genetics, so there is a feasibility that the better genetics could actually respond similar to photos, but have the duration like autos??

I totally agree w/ the pheno differences being a prevailing factor, but honestly, how many generations have a lot of the breeders developed to get the ideal traits?? I figure guys like Mephisto, DP and Dinafem are F3-F5 in some cases to preserve things like purple color, extreme growth and vigor, so when we get them, they appear to have almost identical structure and growth patterns and the rest comes down to lighting and nutrient availability..

There are so many factors that it'd be extremely difficult to prove or disprove the fate of a topped auto, unless you yourself bred out a few generations and were able to isolate the dominant features.. Regardless, there are a TON of guys here who use a number of different approaches and still achieve 1lbs+ plants that make me feel awfully inadequate as a grower and begin to question my own gender.... lol j/k
That sounds about right a 10% loss of yield an that is significant to me, cause if I grow 50 lbs that is 5 lbs loss!!! That is a lot to me so I am not going to do anything that is going to effect my yield, but folks are different. I am also different in the fact that I LOVE larf and popcorn buds, that is what I make meeee dabbbs n shatters n waxes with so I depend on it. I Just think that you can achieve the same goal with LST and scrogs n stuff for autos but not effect the yield negatively but in positive way. I think that an auto that is Au natural will not do as well as a plant that is LSTd correctly
Not to sound unreasonable, but is it all-together possible that even though ruderalis genes are relatively pre-determined, that stress w/ proper recovery could actually extend the life mildly to accommodate for the bounce-back?? I feel that is definitely a possibility with the stronger genetics that some of the breeders produce.. Gotta remember, a lot of these plants have photo-genetics, so there is a feasibility that the better genetics could actually respond similar to photos, but have the duration like autos??

I totally agree w/ the pheno differences being a prevailing factor, but honestly, how many generations have a lot of the breeders developed to get the ideal traits?? I figure guys like Mephisto, DP and Dinafem are F3-F5 in some cases to preserve things like purple color, extreme growth and vigor, so when we get them, they appear to have almost identical structure and growth patterns and the rest comes down to lighting and nutrient availability..

There are so many factors that it'd be extremely difficult to prove or disprove the fate of a topped auto, unless you yourself bred out a few generations and were able to isolate the dominant features.. Regardless, there are a TON of guys here who use a number of different approaches and still achieve 1lbs+ plants that make me feel awfully inadequate as a grower and begin to question my own gender.... lol j/k

I think there may be something to the whole stress related extension of there predetermined floweing time. @Kate's grow is a perfect example her plants are really small but like 30 days old and have not even began to flower or anything close. Sooo I know there is stuff in there I can figure out, but like you said you have to grow em out. I am going to be doing just that. And there are not a TON of guys that grow 1lb autos I am one of only 5 on this site and none use any type of HST. Again not a shot or anything, I am very proud of my 1lb plant badge and it is an exclusive club that I want everyone to become a member of that is for sure. I am on a mission to prove the commercial viability of autos over photos and that all starts with growing a lb or more in 90 days
You grew a f-ing monster, and honestly, if you have the consistency (which you certainly do), what could it be, other than ancillary genetics or potentially a small change to a grow that you weren't really aware of at the time that could contribute to such a beautiful plant?? Sometimes I feel as if the earlier generations of autos exhibit more of the photo parent than the ruderalis... The last Jack Herers I grew went 120+ days, and according to both the leaves and trichs weren't even CLOSE to being harvested, and unfortunately I lost them to mold because I'm an idiot and spread the spores when I moved them around, however, their size was lackluster and their only sibling that was harvested was some of the strongest bud I've grown to date (which isn't saying shit because I suck at growing).. I know sativas can take their sweet-ass time, but 120 days for an auto?! Fuuuuuuuuuuuck..... lol
That sounds about right a 10% loss of yield an that is significant to me, cause if I grow 50 lbs that is 5 lbs loss!!! That is a lot to me so I am not going to do anything that is going to effect my yield, but folks are different. I am also different in the fact that I LOVE larf and popcorn buds, that is what I make meeee dabbbs n shatters n waxes with so I depend on it. I Just think that you can achieve the same goal with LST and scrogs n stuff for autos but not effect the yield negatively but in positive way. I think that an auto that is Au natural will not do as well as a plant that is LSTd correctly
Before anybody relies on my information or techniques they really need to study and try for themselves,maybe i just fecked up or done them at the wrong times 10% is not a lot in reality but when you compare it like that it is substantial..scrog requires topping and is not lst but i know what u are saying..and yes,the au natural is the point i was making with the 1lb comparison, ...whats your take on this statement,potency is greater at the top of the plant ?? If thats the case,then breaking the center cola dominance makes sense right??
You grew a f-ing monster, and honestly, if you have the consistency (which you certainly do), what could it be, other than ancillary genetics or potentially a small change to a grow that you weren't really aware of at the time that could contribute to such a beautiful plant?? Sometimes I feel as if the earlier generations of autos exhibit more of the photo parent than the ruderalis... The last Jack Herers I grew went 120+ days, and according to both the leaves and trichs weren't even CLOSE to being harvested, and unfortunately I lost them to mold because I'm an idiot and spread the spores when I moved them around, however, their size was lackluster and their only sibling that was harvested was some of the strongest bud I've grown to date (which isn't saying shit because I suck at growing).. I know sativas can take their sweet-ass time, but 120 days for an auto?! Fuuuuuuuuuuuck..... lol
I hear ya there,my auto mazars are the same time wise,i hate it,screwed my 45 day perpetual harvest cause they took 100 and 120 days..this is the mainlined plant and i started smashing it with ripening powder and it still took 95 days...never go by advertised times for finish but do take it into consideration before ya start chopping plants up,cause i have had others finish on time or early...
Before anybody relies on my information or techniques they really need to study and try for themselves,maybe i just fecked up or done them at the wrong times 10% is not a lot in reality but when you compare it like that it is substantial..scrog requires topping and is not lst but i know what u are saying..and yes,the au natural is the point i was making with the 1lb comparison, ...whats your take on this statement,potency is greater at the top of the plant ?? If thats the case,then breaking the center cola dominance makes sense right??

Honestly I do not have any idea on that statement lol I have never been in a position to actually test it, I know what the science says which is yeah it should be not necessarily more potent at the top just more mature and more THC has been converted at the top vs the bottom. So yeah breaking center main cola dominance makes sense and that can basically be done with LST. Also I am curious where you got the information about "true" scrogging being topped? I have never seen this, from everything I know it is just moving the lateral branches outward as it grows. But I am interested as I have seen lots of scrogs where I was like they had to top it. But when I reference scrogging I do not mean topping it I just mean placing the screen over it and as I said manipulating as it grows.
I think there may be something to the whole stress related extension of there predetermined floweing time. @Kate's grow is a perfect example her plants are really small but like 30 days old and have not even began to flower or anything close. Sooo I know there is stuff in there I can figure out, but like you said you have to grow em out. I am going to be doing just that. And there are not a TON of guys that grow 1lb autos I am one of only 5 on this site and none use any type of HST. Again not a shot or anything, I am very proud of my 1lb plant badge and it is an exclusive club that I want everyone to become a member of that is for sure. I am on a mission to prove the commercial viability of autos over photos and that all starts with growing a lb or more in 90 days
Awesome ,and agreed about the badge,....were u saying shot at me?? Ive never seen the journal or the specifics of what u used to grow it with,and im not at all saying its not true,but ive told you what i have to work with,and if you can do it for 16 cents per feed id be impressed even more, the commercial viability has to some extent been ( supposedly) proven by a cat who extreme defoliates,and uses dwc high ppm feedings to constantly feed them because they have no solar panels...there is a thread called "would you buy this book" or sum shit..anyway he is only charging 600$ for the book,i know im not the only one who contributed to that thread...
Awesome ,and agreed about the badge,....were u saying shot at me?? Ive never seen the journal or the specifics of what u used to grow it with,and im not at all saying its not true,but ive told you what i have to work with,and if you can do it for 16 cents per feed id be impressed even more, the commercial viability has to some extent been ( supposedly) proven by a cat who extreme defoliates,and uses dwc high ppm feedings to constantly feed them because they have no solar panels...there is a thread called "would you buy this book" or sum shit..anyway he is only charging 600$ for the book,i know im not the only one who contributed to that thread...

Lol 600 bucks for a book, I am out. And no I was talkin to @GodAmJT in the post above. He was saying there are a ton of folks growin 1lb auto plants and that just aint the case lol it may seem that way cause lots of folks have big plants but getting a 1lber is something different. And I do not advocate defoliation lol if folks cant tell I am a tree loving hippie and that comes through in my gardening techs I don't like to hurt em or chop their parts off, with autos any way. I will chop up a photo plant lol