Auto topping thread,pushing the auto limits;)

Good day growers im a master photo and auto grower.but my passion is with autoflower seeds.i been on a mission for 5 years growing now trying diffrent methods of training on autos to see what they truly behold.truth is autos aint no diffrent to a normal plant other than they flower on there own.u can top lst supercrop and defol autos with monster results if done at the correct time.oviously every plant is diffrent so always use the seed info as a rough guide;) and a short plant can yield just as much as a tall plant;) in this thread i will show u all along the way of the true limits of autos and there true potential as i grow them for u all to see;).also if ur an auto grower who likes to push the limits,do speak up and all pics of ur autos and talk and all questions welcome on pushing the auto a few examples of the results achived topping an auto young followed by later lst.few heavy defols along the way ,gives u an army of dominant colas and a big heavy yield.and a beautiful is automazar topped and lstd;)
Thanks dude, I drew some inspiration from yourself. After being told topping autos will not end well after seeing this thread I realized they are wrong! I added q second light yesterday and its already bigger and looks way happier
Thanks dude, I drew some inspiration from yourself. After being told topping autos will not end well after seeing this thread I realized they are wrong! I added q second light yesterday and its already bigger and looks way happier
haha dude the amount of growers that used to tell me i was wrong , that i didnt know what i was doing.that my claims were fake.that i was full of shit lol. i said give me a year on afn and growers will see the truth. made me more determined to be honest. come january my auto topping thread will be 1 year old. and iv helped so many growers in that time. top quality. priceless to me. happy growing every1 ;)
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;) By the way! I was on another forum for a while there and actually seen someone pull 8 or 9oz from a mainlined auto! I'm not going back to the sess pit to prove it so you'll have to take my word but I swear guys are pulling it off now.
Seems pointless on an auto to me but can't really argue with a 9 ouncer.
;) By the way! I was on another forum for a while there and actually seen someone pull 8 or 9oz from a mainlined auto! I'm not going back to the sess pit to prove it so you'll have to take my word but I swear guys are pulling it off now.
Seems pointless on an auto to me but can't really argue with a 9 ouncer.
hell yea 9 oz is a good number for sure lol. i belive u mate. u can increse yield on an auto or photo plant with simple plant manipulation. all fun and games;) happy growing
haha dude the amount of growers that used to tell me i was wrong , thati didnt know what i was doing.that my claims were fake.that i was full of shit lol. i said give me a year on afn and growers will see the truth. made me more determined to be honest. come january my auto topping thread will be 1 year old. and iv helped so many growers in that time. top quality. priceless to me. happy growing every1 ;)
I don't think your full of shit. I've seen you help many growers including myself to learn a simple way of growing in natures intended style "soil". Some day I plan to try a soil grow but for now I'm still working on mastering my hydroponics system. I love the fast growth in hydro, but it's definitely an advanced style of growing not recommended for beginners. Due to the so many things that can go wrong in just a matter of a day or hours even if a pump fails or power outage or warm temps. So many things can go wrong. If it werent for awesome growers like you forums would suck. I hate assholes that will give you bad information or advice. They're either intentionally trying to see you fail or there just dumb and don't know what the fuck there talking about. Gotta be careful who you trust on the internet, that's for sure. Autobeast is a man of wisdom in soil growing and is well trusted here! Glad to see you back bud
Oh yeah there's no doubt if you have the patience to do a real mainline, have great DNA, and provide a great environment that mainlining an auto can pay huge dividends. I don't have the time or patience to work a plant that much and a half assed mainline is probably no bueno.

So here is what plants topped at third node look like in my garden. I like having six fat buds and it makes defoliating and training easier:

White Crack about day 16 just recently topped.


Female Seeds Auto Bubble day 54 or so:


So that's what six nodes looks like if you are interested. I have a super short grow space and so I need to top everything to keep plants under 24" tall. I pulled 4oz of of a topped NL last week. It can be done even with aggressive topping and training.
Oh yeah there's no doubt if you have the patience to do a real mainline, have great DNA, and provide a great environment that mainlining an auto can pay huge dividends. I don't have the time or patience to work a plant that much and a half assed mainline is probably no bueno.

So here is what plants topped at third node look like in my garden. I like having six fat buds and it makes defoliating and training easier:

White Crack about day 16 just recently topped.

View attachment 990309

Female Seeds Auto Bubble day 54 or so:

View attachment 990310

So that's what six nodes looks like if you are interested. I have a super short grow space and so I need to top everything to keep plants under 24" tall. I pulled 4oz of of a topped NL last week. It can be done even with aggressive topping and training.

Got a White Crack as well, waiting for fourth node as I have a little more overhead room and she’s in a five gallon soil pot - darn nodes are very tight I better top and train.

