Auto topping thread,pushing the auto limits;)

Good day growers im a master photo and auto grower.but my passion is with autoflower seeds.i been on a mission for 5 years growing now trying diffrent methods of training on autos to see what they truly behold.truth is autos aint no diffrent to a normal plant other than they flower on there own.u can top lst supercrop and defol autos with monster results if done at the correct time.oviously every plant is diffrent so always use the seed info as a rough guide;) and a short plant can yield just as much as a tall plant;) in this thread i will show u all along the way of the true limits of autos and there true potential as i grow them for u all to see;).also if ur an auto grower who likes to push the limits,do speak up and all pics of ur autos and talk and all questions welcome on pushing the auto a few examples of the results achived topping an auto young followed by later lst.few heavy defols along the way ,gives u an army of dominant colas and a big heavy yield.and a beautiful is automazar topped and lstd;)
Thanks Evil and Beast, means a lot, appreciate it guys ...

That plant and others had issues getting started ..... Silly me, Initially had 400 Watt LED light 18” at full power until I saw slow growth and curl so I moved up to 32 inches at 50 percent power ..... slowly lowered light down to 28” and gave plants short periods with light at 75 percent ..... today they are getting 18,000 lumens up from 14,000 lumens and running at 75 percent .....

Did not make that mistake with the Strawberry Nuggets and they are looking strong for only 10-12 days old, depending on which of the three I look at ...... not sure if I’ll top the Nuggets - Wonder what you guys think as Nuggets suppose to “mound” and be short anyways .....

Went ahead and ordered a second tent, this stuff is addicting, l like to grow stuff anyways and now this, I’m all in!
If your struggling to get started with your lights mate, try getting either a cfl reflector or a really low power led. Like one of those cheap 50w circle things. I use a 130w cfl reflector for the first 2 weeks. Keep it 6-8 inches away and they come out perfect every time. Can’t start seedlings under grow lights to save my life. Lots of us need a separate seedling light cos we can’t master it lol.
ur plant is super happy and she will bring u top quality nugs. no matter size of plant, all fun and games. u, we are all doing a great job, be proud;) when u smoke mephisto genetics ul see what i mean. and may i recomend to any grower that mephisto, 3bear og is out of this world. u gota grow it smoke to belive it no shit. il even tag @mephisto .cause they truly are top guys really making special genetics. happy growing every1;)
Only meph I’ve done was a ripleys OG. I suffer from pretty bad levels of anxiety and that stuff 100% cured me after 3 puffs. Even at minuscule doses so I could smoke at work too. Only strain I’ve smoked that I’d class as “medicinal”. Absolute miracle strain.
Evil .... getting a second tent and I’ll keep seedlings and young plants in the one and in the new tent which is slight larger than my first tent will be the more mature plants ..... also going to use light rail in second tent .....

I have two 400 watt LED lights, both the same - the lights are fairly high powered lights but they have a 25-50-75-100 percent light options ....

Think the issue was me, I had the darn light at 20 inches or so and running full bore, 100 percent ..... to correct I raised light and lowered the output and all seems well now .....

Currently running light at 30” and 75 percent output, which seems to be working fine and slowly lowering light a inch or so a day until I get to about 28” and then slowly work up to 100 percent output .... light also has a feature where you can program it to run say an hour on 100 percent and then drop back to 75-50 or 25 percent for x time and then back up, if you like ....

This indoor grow thing is new to me but I’ll get it .... if I have too I will use my T5 light to start, I’ve started many a tomatoe plant and other plants under T5 lights ......

Thanks for the help, best grow to ya!
Looking good beast! Good to see you back in business, happy holidays [emoji318]
thanks bro, i never stopped growing. i cnt i feel lost if i dont have a garden to tend to. a day without growth is a day wasted lol. iv got more time to myself instead of work. so il make the most of it on afn;) merry christmas every1 and happy growing;)
Does the quality of the lights affect the THC content? I have a 300w Mara hydro in a 80x80x160 tent and using high THC strains like gorilla glue etc and the end result is below avarage. All nutes are biobizz. Not sure what else it could be. Definitely won’t have a prob with HPS. But I’m all for the led due to the electricity rates etc here

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Does the quality of the lights affect the THC content? I have a 300w Mara hydro in a 80x80x160 tent and using high THC strains like gorilla glue etc and the end result is below avarage. All nutes are biobizz. Not sure what else it could be. Definitely won’t have a prob with HPS. But I’m all for the led due to the electricity rates etc here

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i dont know to be fair. but iv used cheap basic led, s when first made the switch from hps. bud quality did not change. just the weight. until. i got everything dialed in. a happy healthy plant will produce tch, no matter what light it has. happy growing every1 ;)
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