Auto topping thread,pushing the auto limits;)

Good day growers im a master photo and auto grower.but my passion is with autoflower seeds.i been on a mission for 5 years growing now trying diffrent methods of training on autos to see what they truly behold.truth is autos aint no diffrent to a normal plant other than they flower on there own.u can top lst supercrop and defol autos with monster results if done at the correct time.oviously every plant is diffrent so always use the seed info as a rough guide;) and a short plant can yield just as much as a tall plant;) in this thread i will show u all along the way of the true limits of autos and there true potential as i grow them for u all to see;).also if ur an auto grower who likes to push the limits,do speak up and all pics of ur autos and talk and all questions welcome on pushing the auto a few examples of the results achived topping an auto young followed by later lst.few heavy defols along the way ,gives u an army of dominant colas and a big heavy yield.and a beautiful is automazar topped and lstd;)
Was just wondering in general, how does final plant shape differ by topping at different nodes? Say if you topped it at the third node, will it remain shorter all in all then if you topped it at the fifth one? Or how does that work?

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a healthy auto. topped at 3rd or 5th node will still grow into a big girl. 5th node gives u more dominant to be branches to work with. happy growing;)
also like to thank all u fine auto growers, pushing the auto limits. and sharing the love,. top quality info and pics been shared here. really great to see. amazing plants . u should all be very proud of urself. and all u growers that have allready absorbed all this info in there brain.plain to see as i see ur work and words. just awsome. keep at it growers, happy growing every1 ;)
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so, good day growers, here my current auto garden. same setup and routine as usual;) no lst this time. no room to spread the ladies this grow. so topped and let grow. all plants topped apart from youngest 1. but she will get it soon;) so in my tent we have. the 3 older 3.mephisto genetics sour livers,getting bigger by the day . and 2 younger sisters, dinafem critical jack autos.

happy girls so far;) happy growing every1;)
With Autos timing is everything. If you top at 3rd node you get 6 main colas and a little more time to recover. This is good for a really fast auto. Topping at the fourth node will give you 8 main colas and less time to recover. This is the most common time to top an auto. Waiting for the 5th node 10 colas but may take you too close to flower for good recovery in all but the longest growing autos. The shape, height and bushiness will have a lot to do with the genetics.
I grow outdoors and most of my auto's go into pre-flower before I can really trim at the 4th node. When I have waited I get adverse results so if you have had good experiences topping at the 3rd I would love to hear them? I would rather have thick healthy cola's so it doesn't matter 3rd 4th 5th whatever. That's why the super auto's are so appealing for me outdoors.
Hey @autobeast good to see you online again.
thanks bro good to be back online;)
good day growers. so my current garden. front middle sour liver auto just had a heavy defol. she is younger than her bigger sisters at the back. big girls at the back also sour livers. these plants aint messing about growing fast. and the younger girls critical jack autos. adjusting to there new structure after been topped. all plants have been topped and left to grow.cnt be bad
happy growing every1 ;)
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