Dutch Passion Auto Orange Bud Communal Thread

here she is, day 10. Still strange light coloured areas, in the center of the new formed leaves, but greens up. It doesn't seem to have slowed growth, if anything, she's flying. The lights have been on 24 hours, my timer was fubar, and I wasn't in the country to fix it. Back to 20/4 now
here she is, day 10. Still strange light coloured areas, in the center of the new formed leaves, but greens up. It doesn't seem to have slowed growth, if anything, she's flying. The lights have been on 24 hours, my timer was fubar, and I wasn't in the country to fix it. Back to 20/4 now
View attachment 803325 View attachment 803328
Oh, your one at day 10 looks amazing!!!
Sorry about the accident bro but that comment made me choke on my vape hahahahahahahaah
cheers mate. Do you know the worst thing so far, my tetanus jab was out of date, so the swines gave me a jab in the arm too, the same arm as the fucked hand, so now I'm walking with a gait like quazimodo.
here she is, day 10. Still strange light coloured areas, in the center of the new formed leaves, but greens up. It doesn't seem to have slowed growth, if anything, she's flying. The lights have been on 24 hours, my timer was fubar, and I wasn't in the country to fix it. Back to 20/4 now
View attachment 803325 View attachment 803328
AFN system tells me your profile is private, so i cannot find your AOB thread, you're growing unwanted watchers??? Or how does it work...?
AFN system tells me your profile is private, so i cannot find your AOB thread, you're growing unwanted watchers??? Or how does it work...?
I haven't started a thread for the OB. I tell ya what, I'll start one, and tag you in. Does it say I'm private? I'll change that, I'm not that important! :crying:
I haven't started a thread for the OB. I tell ya what, I'll start one, and tag you in. Does it say I'm private? I'll change that, I'm not that important! :crying:
You're so f*cking funny!!!:yay::rofl:
Party on Friday at the Live Stoner with ProGrowTech LED????