New Grower Auto Berry Ryder

Sorry @Spanglish bro I kind of jumped thread with this grow I posted on the infirmary when I was worried about the leaves and it kind of took off on their
@Waira and @oldcoot helped me through it with solid advice you are right It was a nitrogen def and I was under feeding cal mag

I will check out the link it will come in handy for my other plants I am always open to learn more

How's your Harvested bud doing bet your deep blue it's curing up nice have you got any more lady's planted yet

she has put some weight on and the smell is mouth watering pure berry with a hint of skunk she should be ready for harvest in 7- 14 days

just started flushing her to day I added 6ml final phase to 3 litres of water I watered her at 1pm will put another 3 litres of plain water through her at 11pm then flush with 3 litres when needed

Stopped getting notification for new posts in this thread, so missed a few updates but am all caught up now just in time to see her finish off. Saw your posts over in the infirmary and looks like The High Team were on form as always getting her back on track.

Sounds like the makings of a nice smoke, after trying Deep Blue C i have got a bit of a taste for a berry flavoured smoke here. I was thinking about two weeks more on her looking at the last pics, but without seeing the trichs is hard to tell for sure but still a nice bit of time to get her swell on even more.

My nugs are curing up nicely, Deep Blue C has had a full on berry flavor from day 1 of the cure that gets smoother and stronger as time goes by, the smaller buds i have tried have got the unique trippy relaxed stone i have come to love from her. Triangle Kush is stinking in the jar but i cant put my finger on what yet and taste is only just starting to lose that chlorophyll taste and come through in the cure, the high is fantastic though even on the small sample buds, and reminds me exactly of the Platinum Girl Scout Cookies that i tried in Amsterdam.

Nothing growing at the moment as i am off to Madrid with the family for a week soon, and then got a couple of vacations planned through the summer. But am going to get a late photo started out on the terrace at some point between vacations and then another auto or two once vacation is over.

Best of luck of the rest of the grow ;)
Just started her flush yesterday I will be flushing her for 2 weeks will she still gain weight during the flush or should I start feeding her nutes for 2 weeks then flush in 2 weeks time I still have bud from my last grow so not in a rush to harvest ?

Will be nice to see one of your grows again I have planted two free seeds in 3 litre containers your growing technique inspired me to try it out

You sound like a weed connoisseur when you talk about flavour of buds to me it all tastes like weed but then I have always smoked dealer weed and you never know what your getting some time I think they make up crazy name to sell you there shitty weed
But if this blueberry tastes as good as she smells then I am in for a treat

Hope you and your family Enjoy your Trip to Madrid and will be looking foward to you next grow
She will still get fatter for sure over these last couple of weeks, from past observations it seems to me this is when they put the most of the weight on as they suck the last of the nutes stored in the leaves. I usually cut the feeds when i see the leaves start to naturally fade and start the flush then with either plain water or a weak mix of bloom (have not noticed any difference in taste or buds using either method), this seems to be between 10-20 days before harvest when the fading begins.

Will be great to get another grow on ASAP as i enjoy it just as much if not more now than tasting the final product ;) Best of luck with the small pots, as long as you remember they will be more hungry due to the small root space, i am sure you will great results with them and will be interesting to see what you think of the finished buds, as the ones from the small pots seem to me to be the most potent smoke i have grown.

Long way from a connoisseur bro, when i was living in the UK all we used to get was long grade soap bar hash and when bud came around was a special occasion, and only just mid grade at best. Even after coming to Southern Spain where outdoor bud was plentiful was the same as you weed tasted like weed, has only been the last year since i quit tobacco that my taste buds have come back to life and for the first time in my life have been able to pick out some different flavors and smells in weed.

All the best to you and yours to pal, and have a great summer.
Well sampled a joint of this last night was surprised it was almost like smoking a menthol cigarette no mint taste but that cold feeling you get on the inhale and exhale has a slight berry taste and the smell was slight skunk and berry hopefully a good cure will bring out the smell an taste ten fold

The house smells lovely after a joint the other half thought I had lit one of her Yankee candles again wouldn't believe it was off my sample bud so after another lecture
how many time do I have to tell you not to light the candles there for display only not to be used to light your spliffs bla bla bla I give her a bowl and she forgot what she was moaning about
Now she's claiming this plant for her self Trying to put me off saying its a lady's smoke

Any way the berry Ryder is fattening up nicely she's on day 5 of her flush only another 9 days to go And she will be ready for the chop so will update with some more pics soon

So my 62% humidity packs have just arrived cannot wait till harvest day what's the longest you can leave a plant to flush she's on day 9 now was gonna chop her day 14 but I am busy with work until around day 20 will she be ok with. 6 day late harvest
What Chester said, still plenty of green left in those leaves for her to feed off yet, so wont be dying on you anytime soon and she might even surprise you and fatten up a bit more as you push her further, so would not worry about it.
Thanks guys was gonna leave her till day 80 but was advised to start her flush last week wish I held off on the flush would of been nice to see some purple on her but I am happy with what I have got the smell is unreal

She's starting to yellow up nice tomorrow will be day 14 of the flush will harvest her Saturday or Sunday if I have time