New Grower Auto Berry Ryder

Yeah I also seen a few utube videos On the Mars hydro 300 not sure if there any good yet I have had a few CFL grows from start to finish and there good for the money and cheap to run the buds they produce are ok but not very dense
I am hoping the Mars does produce solid nugs

I have already noticed a big difference in the power the marshydro uses its almost an extra £5 a week to run 1 of these along side my CFLs so I am now in too minds about getting another Mars hydro

I am thinking about getting a 150w MH if you add up the total watts of my cfls and led and add another marshydro to that a metal hallide would probably work out cheaper and offer more light to the plants

But I will see how this berry Ryder does under the Mars hydro before I buy another light

@Cat have u had good results with your marshydros
Day 42 don't know if the marshydro is cutting it at the minute seeing slow results during flowering might be a bit impatient will give her a week see if she packs on any weight if not will put her under a CFL

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I think she's starting to swell Well I have notice a difference anyway might have been abit quick to judge the Mars hydro it seems to be a good budget light so far will Finnish this grow with it and if all goes well will buy 2 more

Still abit worried about her I have tried everything but the lower leaves are still yellowing up one set dies and another set starts

I have flushed her checked the ph run off added nitrogen added more Calmag but the leaves are still turning hope it doesn't start affecting the top of the plant I have started to water her 1 litre twice a day because the airports are drying out so fast mabey it's eating it self because the pots are not holding enough water I quess time will tell could it be the lower part of the plant isn't getting enough light need some expert advice
Well ran into some trouble over the last few week had a nitrogen def thanks to the great people on this site she's recovering well

So I changed her feed a little she's now getting

5ml cal mag
2ml biobizz grow
3ml biobizz bloom
5ml biobizz topmax
4ml AN big bud

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Looks like you have been busy bro, nice save on the yellowing leaves, i find with Bio Bizz you have to keep the grow in use alongside the bloom every feed lowering the ratio as flower advances and then cutting it completely 7-10 days before harvest as you start the flush (plain water or molasses, or a weak mix of bloom), anytime i have missed grow for more than one feed in flower i can see a fading in the leaves especially in the small pot grows, have linked below to Duck Commanders schedule that i base mine round as he does the same, so you can see what i mean.

She is looking great though pal and looks to be building a nice fat cola of some real tasty buds, looking forward to see how she finshes up for ya (if i start getting notifications for this thread again) :slap:
Sorry @Spanglish bro I kind of jumped thread with this grow I posted on the infirmary when I was worried about the leaves and it kind of took off on their
@Waira and @oldcoot helped me through it with solid advice you are right It was a nitrogen def and I was under feeding cal mag

I will check out the link it will come in handy for my other plants I am always open to learn more

How's your Harvested bud doing bet your deep blue it's curing up nice have you got any more lady's planted yet

she has put some weight on and the smell is mouth watering pure berry with a hint of skunk she should be ready for harvest in 7- 14 days

just started flushing her to day I added 6ml final phase to 3 litres of water I watered her at 1pm will put another 3 litres of plain water through her at 11pm then flush with 3 litres when needed
@hecnno thank man she's so damn sexy isn't she and she smells soooo nice will have to order more of these beans not bad for my third grow but I can't take all the credit had some expert advice along the way so to everyone who helped big respect to all of you thanks for your time and advice hopefully my next grows will be better