New Grower Auto Berry Ryder

Thanks for the help I will go move the light and redirect the fan
Yep. I would turn that fan off. Unless it is making a real temperature difference. If you point that right at the plant it will dry her up all day long. They say that it helps to put the fan down low and aim it up through the plant, but in my setup, that dried out leaves too. Fans are extremely over rated in my opinion.
bulb distance looks good to me so if air movement is good under the reflector temps should be ok, if that is tin foil in the reflector on the side bulb that can also focus heat and cause hot spots and really does not reflect light that good anyways.
I think it is the difference between having fans while growing in a big room vs trying to run them in a small closed system. Anyway, that is my diagnosis! :)
Yep. I would turn that fan off. Unless it is making a real temperature difference. If you point that right at the plant it will dry her up all day long. They say that it helps to put the fan down low and aim it up through the plant, but in my setup, that dried out leaves too. Fans are extremely over rated in my opinion.

I have no choice but to use a fan in my setup otherwise temps peak like crazy a disadvantage of micro growing with CFL, as they do still put off a fair bit of heat if be it hell of a lot less than HPS, could not agree more about the damage caused when fans hit leaves directly i end up with a few that catch direct airflow each grow and sure is not good for them at all, but the damage always looks a lot more nasty than the above pics, for me whenever i have seen cupping like that is when temps are really peaking.
@greenjeans the fan was on the other side of the tent I have only just moved it to the plant with the heat stress I will leave it there till in the morning then remove it completely thanks for the help I never had this problem until I added the fan

@Spanglish I raised the light just before I took the pic it's not tinfoil in the make shift reflector it's aluminium tape what I got with my carbon filter just lined the box with it but you might be right it could be making heat spots as it is basically tin foil i will remove it tomorrow

I have a small tent enough for one plant could I put my berry Ryder in with a 200w CFL with out a carbon filter

I was thinking of just leave the door open with a fan blowing in air or will I need and proper air intake out take
Sounds like a good plan. Hopefully things will straighten out pretty quick. Looking forward to seeing her in a few days..
Managed to get a video of my box this morning to show how i have got my fan blowing up into the reflector to keep the heat from the CFL down, don't think it quite shows in the vid but you can see the corners of the reflector twitching in the breeze, you can also see the damage on the leaves either side of the plant that have been most exposed to the air from the fan (not the fading leaves that is just her finishing up, but the weak broken leaves with holes in them), leaves feel more brittle and dry and damage for me starts like necrotic spots that dry up and end up as little holes, took me a while to work out what it was till i noticed was only ever on the few leaves that where directly exposed to the fan.

Nice micro grow Spanglish

I turned the fan off yesterday checked on her this morning and the full top half of the plants leafs have started to curl up there praying like mad but also curling up so I have swapped her over to the Mars hydro

raised the led to 12 inches high I have the fan blowing across the top of the tent instead of directly on to the plants hope this helps also noticed a few lower leaves had turned yellow she's had only 2 plain water feeds to flush her before I introduce bloom nutes so it must be a nitrogen deficiency

I have made her feed up
1ml grow
2ml bloom
1ml top max
1ml Pk booster
2ml Calmag

Was thinking about switching the light cycle from 24/0 to 20/4
is this a bad idear will it stress the plant or cause it to hermi