New Grower Auto Berry Ryder

Thanks for the help green jeans and Spanglish she's looking the picture of health now leafs are returning to normal a few CFL burns here and there but all in all she's a beauty

I think it was a combination of heat stress and stress from the fan blowing directly onto the plant here's a few pics would of had more but my battery died on my phone will get some more later

Fast buds green crack is she ready for the soil of should I give her another 24 hours
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Fast buds green crack is she ready for the soil of should I give her another 24 hours

All personal preference pal, some would plant it now, other wait for a bit longer root, others seed out the packet and direct to soil. So whatever works best for you i would say.
Yeah your probably right i always over think stuff when I am high lol just been in the tent and noticed the soil I prepaird the other day for my seed have I used to much perlite and vermiculite I had a few quarter bags of soil perlite and vermiculite left so mixed it all doesnt look right what do you guys think will it be ok

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A few more pics
Just give her a feed she's on 2 litres a day now loves a drink lol
1ml fish mix
3ml bloom
2ml PK booster
2ml calmag

The new lady's have showed up this morning looking well just waiting on my fast buds blackberry To show her head

G13 labs auto blueberry free seed
G13 labs auto blueberry free seed
Fastbuds geen crack auto

Thanks for the help @Spanglish you must be sick of me lol

I have just give her some cal mag yesterday I think it might be from rubbing against the walls of the grow box I had her in

I am worried about light penetration I have been looking online for some smaller bulbs to place round the plant like you suggested and will be making a order this week

For 5 bulbs and the clip on lights it's gonna cost around £50 I have found a marshydro led for a few pound more should I go for the led or stick with the CFLs

Will the led offer better penetration or will the change in lights stunt the plant
I had the same debate with my own set up... CFL or a cheap marshydro 300w. I bought two of the latter. I have seen a few successful grows on utube with those lights
@CapnKrash i have ordered a Mars 300w old style I have seen a few grow logs online and a few videos on YouTube and under the right conditions they do preform well and looking at your ladies i think I made the right choice will order another two at some point in the future

What strain are they by the way they look hefty must have got a
Nice weight off them
I also debated the cost of CFL in comparison to the marshydro 300w LED. I've seen a few successful grows on utube using these lights. I bought two and they seem perfect for the size of my set up... the jury's still out on their success, but your grow seems to have gone well
Any help on what this is I have been looking online could be heat stress or under watering

just moved the fan closer don't think it's under watering I give her 2 litres yesterday and the soil still feels damp but this is my first air pot grow so I don't know

any help appreciated didn't think much of it at first but it's getting worse I have just give her her first dose of bloom nutes could it be some sort of toxicity the leafs are limp its worrying

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I'm a complete newbie, but have read curled/boat shaped leaves is a sign of heat stress. Do you test the run off Ph and EC? I just started doing mine and was shocked to discover the EC was too high, causing all sorts of probs. Have you got a fan blowing on the leaves?