New Grower Auto Berry Ryder

Looks more like heat stress to me, think you might want to try backing away that new monster sun of yours a bit, the leaves are to much of a healthy colour to be a def of toxicity and they for sure don't look over or under watered to me either.
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Also looking at the pics again looks like its only the top leaves that are cupping at the edges, which would make me even more sure it is the light to close as they would be the leaves taking the most of the light and heat from the LED.
Thanks for the fast replys shes not under the Mars hydro she's Under a 125w dual spectrum CFL with reflector it's about 3 inches from the top of the plant if I move it won't it make it less effective
It will be even less effective when it burns your leaves. Do you have a fan pointed directly at the plant?
Can you post a picture of your whole setup so I can see how it all looks?
Don't think it's the fan green jeans I have only just moved it closer
Yeah it would penetration is not great on CFLs, so backing it off would get less light to lower growth but is to much heat up top there now hence the leaves cupping on the upper growth, i have the airflow from my fan blowing up into the reflector indirectly to the top of the plant to move the air round and cool it down up the top.
Okay, bro. But I have had this problem several times, and it is almost always the fan. I stopped using one altogether after dealing with this exact problem.
Yeah the fan is now blowing Directly on top of the canopy will go get a pic now