New Grower Auto Berry Ryder

image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg Just added some side light was worried the 1 cfl wasn't enough to reach the lower branches this new tent is good but there's too much space gonna have to sort some side light out properly until I can order a new hanger
Good thinking mate, the light penetration from CFLs are not that great and she is looking like she is gonna have a bit of size to her, so the big bulb above her most likely wont do much for the lower growth, a couple of the bigger bulbs will get the job done for side lighting pretty well (is what i use), but to get perfect coverage if you have the space and means 4-6 smaller bulbs would be better positioned close at selected points around the plant to get even coverage where you really need it.

Looking great though, have some more of this :slap: for a job very well done so far.

EDIT : Also if you have not started yet might want to think about adding some CalMg into her diet, takes a few days to work its way into the plant and she is going to be wanting more and more soon.
Thanks for the rep bro yeah I am going to add some cal mag in the next feed I have some sensi bloom cal+mag thanks for the heads up I also have some Epsom salts is this the same as cal mag

Noticed this on a leaf this morning

Epsom salts are great source of magnesium and help in the uptake of other nutes including calcium, but dont on there own contain any calcium so there may be a need to supplement for calcium when using them, for ease of dosing and getting good ratio of Calcium and Magnesium i would go with the CalMg supplement, but at the end of the day is up to you and what path you want to choose.

Not to sure what is up with that leaf, could some kind of damage when moving her about or rubbing against something, or could be some type of deficiency, i am pretty crap at diagnosing these things.

Can try posting in the Live Help thread when it opens after the Bank Holiday tomorrow morning with some natural light pics and the experts round here will diagnose it for you
Thanks for the help @Spanglish you must be sick of me lol

I have just give her some cal mag yesterday I think it might be from rubbing against the walls of the grow box I had her in

I am worried about light penetration I have been looking online for some smaller bulbs to place round the plant like you suggested and will be making a order this week

For 5 bulbs and the clip on lights it's gonna cost around £50 I have found a marshydro led for a few pound more should I go for the led or stick with the CFLs

Will the led offer better penetration or will the change in lights stunt the plant
Is not a problem pal and you have done most of it on your own, and i don't mind trying to answer a few questions along the way.

If it has not spread in this time most likely what it is, i get it a bit growing in a small space along with slight damage from having the fan hitting to closely a couple of leaves, but they are tough old girls and soldier through it ;)

The LED will offer better penetration for sure over a CFL, if you got a overly big girl would most probably benefit from some side lighting also along with the panel, but for most average sized autos for a 1 plant grow a single panel would be plenty and yield superior results over a CFL grow.

The change in light would be fine and have seen it done a few times on here now with no bad effects on growth.
She's 28 days old today and I think she's finished her reach for the light haven't noticed any vertical growth for the past week

just watered her with 5ml grow 5ml fish mix and 2.5ml Calmag so for her next feed I will start her with ph'd water for a week then give her 2ml grow 2ml pk booster 2ml bloom 2ml Calmag 1ml top max should I continue with biobizz fish mix

I also have some black strap sulphur free molasses when's the best time to introduce this into feeding
Well if she has stopped going up then is time to make the switch, i usually do it when she is not putting on anymore 0.5cm in 24hrs, most of the time is between Days 30-40 but as everything is always variation in that.

That seems like a pretty heavy feed at 5ml/L on both grow and fish mix especially on N (nitrogen), i go a max of 3ml/L with just the grow and have never had a N deficiency (touch wood), should be fine though as it is her last veg feed and the next couple of feeds with plain water is a good idea before starting on bloom, would not recommend using both grow and fish mix through flower as will be very N heavy for bloom feeds, better off with one or the other have not used fish mix myself though, @Hazy does with great success though with great detail in his journals, check them out for a dosing idea and take your pick on what you want to use.

You can use the molasses if you want but Bio Bizz grow and bloom is molasses based, that seems to be just about all the bloom is really with a few added extras.
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My nutes look like there watered down got a biobizz trial pack off amazon and it looks weak as piss so I added a bit extra she seems ok but thanks for the warning I will dial it down abit for the next feed

Gonna order some new nutrients next week ready for my next grow