New Grower Auto Berry Ryder

Thanks for the help @Spanglish you must be sick of me lol

I have just give her some cal mag yesterday I think it might be from rubbing against the walls of the grow box I had her in

I am worried about light penetration I have been looking online for some smaller bulbs to place round the plant like you suggested and will be making a order this week

For 5 bulbs and the clip on lights it's gonna cost around £50 I have found a marshydro led for a few pound more should I go for the led or stick with the CFLs

Will the led offer better penetration or will the change in lights stunt the plant

I highly suggest grabbing the LED. A lot of people bash on them, especially the cheap ones, but my 'cheap chinese' $140 LED is growing these girls:

NL 2.jpg DB 2.jpg Purple bud 5.jpg

Your grow looks great btw, keep it up!
@CapnKrash i have ordered a Mars 300w old style I have seen a few grow logs online and a few videos on YouTube and under the right conditions they do preform well and looking at your ladies i think I made the right choice will order another two at some point in the future

What strain are they by the way they look hefty must have got a
Nice weight off them
@CapnKrash i have ordered a Mars 300w old style I have seen a few grow logs online and a few videos on YouTube and under the right conditions they do preform well and looking at your ladies i think I made the right choice will order another two at some point in the future

What strain are they by the way they look hefty must have got a
Nice weight off them

Unfortunately LEDs have suffered a lot problems with growing pains. But the technology the way it is now is on par with HID or better when considering cooling/energy savings.

What makes it worse is all the different 'brands' available, and the markup on them. The thing to realize and remember is YES, they ARE inexpensive chinese LED panels. But so are most of the branded panels. *gasp!*.. lol MOST of the guys that own a brand on these panels don't actually make them. They do one of two things.

1. They source an already designed and manufactured panel, have the manufacturer change some bulbs for customization, slap their own sticker on it, mark it up 4000% and BOOM! Robert is your mother's brother, you have your own branded panel that produces 15% better buds than all the others because of your specific bulb brand/configuration!

2. They design a panel, be it a sketch on paper with dimensions and spectrum, or a full CAD workup. Then they go to the Chinese manufacturer and have them make it. The same manufacturers that are building all the other 'brand name' panels right along with the 'cheap Chinese panels'.

Point is, spending $900 on a branded 300 true watt led is silly. The markup you're paying on that thing is disgusting. The brand bought the damned thing for $90 themselves from the manufacturer...if that.

LEDS are an inexpensive technology, that's why the 'cheap(inexpensive) Chinese panels' exist. They don't mark up 4000% If one burns out...its only $150 to get a new one, assuming you're outside the typical 3 year warranty. Which they usually honor better than most American companies. And as you can see from mine, and many other grows, cheap(inexpensive) isn't always bad.... /rant off :2cents:

Two are Diesel berry from Auto Seeds, the same breeder your Berry Ryder is from :biggrin:. And the other two are Northern Lights from Royal Queen Seeds. The NL were free seeds from a few years back. Still waiting to harvest them :smokeit: can't wait though. My diesel berry 1 is on cleanse now, so soon for her! That's the one with the purple bud pic I shared above. If your Berry Ryder smells anything like my DB1 berry wise, you'll be in for a serious treat my friend!
@CapnKrash Yeah I found your grow diary last night your doing a good job and your right in what you say about cheap and expensive LED lights it's like any thing you buy is all the same just a different label consumerism at its finest lol a bit of research could save you £££

For example it's the same with paracetamol our lass insist on buying name brands £4+ but I tell her to get the supermarket brand it's like 27p and its all the same stuff if she changed her shopping habit she could save a small fortune

I have read a few grow diarys on the berry Ryder and if mine is anything like other grows I am in for a sweet treat :yay:
Would u mind sending me a pm with the make of your led or a link to the brand on eBay
Can someone give me some advise on what distance my Mars hydro 300 should be for the top of my plant is 10" to close or to far been looking online and haven't found anything useful on my model
She's almost 5 weeks old just give he 2 litres of plain water ph'd at 6.5

The next feed will be 1.25 pk booster 1.25ml fish mix 1.25ml bloom 2ml cal mag
Can someone give me some advise on what distance my Mars hydro 300 should be for the top of my plant is 10" to close or to far been looking online and haven't found anything useful on my model

I have my mars 400 about 18 inches away. i would say somewhere between 12 inches to 24 inches would be best but it depends on so many factors. if your plants are doing fine 10 inches away then that should be ok just watch for burn/bleaching.

also check out the mars section in the forum.
Yeah mate found it the other day it's 10 inches away from the canopy and she's loving it thanks for the link
Any help on what this is I have been looking online could be heat stress or under watering

just moved the fan closer don't think it's under watering I give her 2 litres yesterday and the soil still feels damp but this is my first air pot grow so I don't know

any help appreciated didn't think much of it at first but it's getting worse I have just give her her first dose of bloom nutes could it be some sort of toxicity the leafs are limp its worrying

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