Mr Piggy
With all due respect it feels a little like a couple of you are implying that any concerns against GM products are a misunderstanding or disagreement with science. I take exception(though not offense by any stretch) to that on the grounds that I and probably a couple others here have a pretty solid foundation in science. Science isn't a consensus of what we know it's an ever-evolving process of discovery, as well as a methodology for said discovery. Without an abundance of data we can't make assumptions about the efficacy or safety of research, and yet that is what people selling GM fruits and vegetables spliced with animal or bacterial genes are expecting the world to do. Science doesn't accept things as fact, there are no facts in science only best guesses based on available data. The scariest thing about the science of GM products is that the bulk of it is funded by corporate interests. To give you all an analogy, what happens when the national institute of drug abuse(NIDA) sponsors research into the "dangers" of cannabis? They usually get exactly the results they were looking for...
Absolutely, there are no facts, just best ideas at the time. As someone who is in the field you should also understand that a lack of evidence is not an argument. Not having information about GMOs being harmful is not evidence for harm in and of itself. If you can show me published and reviewed studies that show GMO foods harming people I am more than willing to read them and take it in, that's how it works.
I also don't trust a lot of the studies put out by corporations trying to cover their ass, but not everyone is out to get everyone else. You have to consider the fact that many of these studies can be reviewed and may have been done correctly. This is the same argument I have with people about vaccinations, sure a lot of the studies are funded by pharma, but they are correct none the less.
My point is, if you make a claim that GMOs are harmful, you must provide me with solid evidence of your claim. Until then it's just speculation and doesn't hold water. No offense meant to anyone, that's just the way it is.