New Grower Auoflowring GMO

Pretty damn cool, I'd like to get one just to see it in action

Well, you'd be out a mortgage and be left with regular and poorly breed pot. BC seeds is a complete ripoff company, nothing they produce is real or worth money. Sorry dude! :pighug:
My only claim is that there is as yet no scientific consensus that the products are safe, this was restated by 300 scientists on 1 Feb at ENSSER and one of the signatories, Nicolas Defarge, had this to say:

”Progress in science occurs through controversial debate involving scientific arguments. Our statement, peer-reviewed and published in the open access literature, is now one of them. The debate about the health effects of the long-term consumption of GMOs and of the residues of pesticides they contain is ongoing. It can only be solved by further studies using accurate protocols enabling the investigation of long-term effects. These must be published in open access journals with the raw data being made available and not kept secret. We should bear in mind that the studies performed by industry to support the release of GMOs on the market are usually not peer-reviewed at the time the GMO is commercialized.”(1)

The science is ongoing, and as it happens there are an equal number of scientists trying to find health risks as there are trying to disprove it. And it's worth noting that a statistically substantial number of the studies trying to disprove any health risks are funded by biotechnology. (2)

I think it's really important that we as an international community wholeheartedly endorse responsible science to take place, but use extreme caution in allowing these products to come to market in the interim. You might be surprised to find that the FDA has done absolutely no formal testing on genetically engineered foods and has still stated they are "substantially equivalent". (3)

Anyway, that I think is all I have to contribute since my views aren't going to change without substantial science coming in. I do think it's an important international conversation to have, and I hope that we look to our scientists for the answers while respecting that even after the science comes in there might be many people who would be more comfortable with reasonable labeling because at the end of the day freedom of choice is what makes being human worth it.

This is the kind of debate and info I'm looking to see. However, I believe this could be worded in several ways, another one of them being there is no current evidence to prove GMOs unsafe. I absolutely agree that the FDA is shit at testing and are in the pockets of corporations. Hell, they're staffed primarily by ex-Monsanto employees.

While their claim that some GMO crops are produced to be pesticide resistant is true, many are produced to have a heavier fruit set and produce more over a longer period of time. To casually link GMO and pesticides without further elaboration is IMHO irresponsible and misleading, at least in a cursory statement. I don't just want something proven to be safe, I want someone to prove to me that something is unsafe. Lacking evidence for either, the default is not "unsafe."

I also agree with you on labeling. GMO foods should be labeled and it should be up to the consumer what she or he buys.
Well, you'd be out a mortgage and be left with regular and poorly breed pot. BC seeds is a complete ripoff company, nothing they produce is real or worth money. Sorry dude! [emoji14]ighug:
Ha ha no worries, I'm actually against GMOs but, the idea is intriguing.
Even if the salmon farmed on the west coast escaped, they would not introduce themselves into the current salmon gene pool. They are Atlantic salmon, which belong in the genus Salmo. Pacific salmon are their own genus called Oncorhynchus. This means there will be no interbreeding. The real travesty of fish farms has nothing to do with GMO, it's that a bunch of fish with a large natural range are packed into a small area that allows for fecal matter to build up like crazy, and for fish lice to infect them all.

It's very important to be careful when talking about science and using phrases like "I feel" or "I believe." Make sure to back up your statement with verifiable proof, or at least good evidence. Otherwise it's just speculation.

I feel like that is a very good point. I also believe so.