New Grower Auoflowring GMO

Oh shit, I totally got lost at the pumpkin patch once :slaps:

I also was hired to be the guy that chases youth groups through the corn maze with a chainsaw. A better job I will never have.

Monty Pigthon springs to mind.........[video=youtube;Tym0MObFpTI][/video]

It does seem many folks are skeptical of GMOs based on second hand information and the bad behavior patterns exhibited by corporations such as mansanto. My personal thought on this is the companies make their jobs a lot harder when they don't factor public relations into their actions. How different would this thread be if there was more trust in the folks manipulating the genes? The fact is mutation is a necessary part of life because there is only one constant in our universe: Change.
Not really much I can say that has not already been said. SOme very good points made, and issues raised.

My only concern is that if it was made. It wouldn’t be properly labeled and announced as a GMO. So, people would unknowingly cross it with non-GMO strains. Therefore tainting the gene pool.

I would want proper labelling. I would personally choose to stay away from it. Nor would I like it to be created. Since we dont fully understand all the negative effects it could be having on us and the environment. If it does indeed have any. We just dont know, and thats what a lot of us dont like.

I think its a good thing to research in the hands of honest hearted people. Who really care for the well being of humanity, and not their pockets as the priority.

I have to say. It would be interested to see the results of some GMO cannabis. Im sure its inevitable.
With all due respect it feels a little like a couple of you are implying that any concerns against GM products are a misunderstanding or disagreement with science. I take exception(though not offense by any stretch) to that on the grounds that I and probably a couple others here have a pretty solid foundation in science. Science isn't a consensus of what we know it's an ever-evolving process of discovery, as well as a methodology for said discovery. Without an abundance of data we can't make assumptions about the efficacy or safety of research, and yet that is what people selling GM fruits and vegetables spliced with animal or bacterial genes are expecting the world to do. Science doesn't accept things as fact, there are no facts in science only best guesses based on available data. The scariest thing about the science of GM products is that the bulk of it is funded by corporate interests. To give you all an analogy, what happens when the national institute of drug abuse(NIDA) sponsors research into the "dangers" of cannabis? They usually get exactly the results they were looking for...
With all due respect it feels a little like a couple of you are implying that any concerns against GM products are a misunderstanding or disagreement with science. I take exception(though not offense by any stretch) to that on the grounds that I and probably a couple others here have a pretty solid foundation in science. Science isn't a consensus of what we know it's an ever-evolving process of discovery, as well as a methodology for said discovery. Without an abundance of data we can't make assumptions about the efficacy or safety of research, and yet that is what people selling GM fruits and vegetables spliced with animal or bacterial genes are expecting the world to do. Science doesn't accept things as fact, there are no facts in science only best guesses based on available data. The scariest thing about the science of GM products is that the bulk of it is funded by corporate interests. To give you all an analogy, what happens when the national institute of drug abuse(NIDA) sponsors research into the "dangers" of cannabis? They usually get exactly the results they were looking for...

You sure your not my Doctor . :grin:
It does seem many folks are skeptical of GMOs based on second hand information and the bad behavior patterns exhibited by corporations such as mansanto. My personal thought on this is the companies make their jobs a lot harder when they don't factor public relations into their actions. How different would this thread be if there was more trust in the folks manipulating the genes? The fact is mutation is a necessary part of life because there is only one constant in our universe: Change.

"How different would this thread be if there was more trust in the folks manipulating the genes?" And do you seriously believe that they can be trusted? If that were the case, we'd have no nuclear or chemical, or biological weapons, they would not exist. BUT............they do! SOMEONE will always pervert science and tech to evil uses and as far as I'm concerned, current "safeguards" are grossly inadequate.
I agree as I've said earlier that controls are vital, that being said, there is a big difference between the US and Europe, much, much stricter In Europe where import of GMO's are even banned(the EU).

so I there is a difference in basic perspective between left- and Eastside of the big pond, and this perhaps leads to small misunderstandings between us because we come from different states of affairs.

What I take for granted as the starting point is not necessarily the same as for someone from the US.
Selective breeding IS genetic modification by definition.
i as a breeder have had to come to terms with this.
that being said, it is not gene stamping or lab modification, so some may say it is a naturals purse of gene modification. I absolutely modify genes when selecting against mold, mildew, pests, etc...
my two cents, good day everyone.
autos no more gmo than power plant, and way less than any fem. Fem is absolutely GMO IMHO but life isn't black and white so im sure it's not entirely a pitfall
Different strokes for different folks, the end result is the same.

I think you are right about the fem beans, using chemicals to feminize is a step in the direction of a lab. Everything is chemistry of course, from breathing to digesting my home made Monkey Gland sauce and on to photosynthesis etc.