Grow Room Arty's PC Case CREE COB Micro Grow AS99

Dear Arty zan,

i see now all the pics you posted, and amazing.... really inspiring me

little size however pull the max efficiency.. optimized little monster build


you use this driver. there are 2 versions of it: Type A and Type B. Type A also got the built in potentiometer. I just wonder you chose Type B. Is there any advantage of it??

Hi fullcarve really great you can see the pic. I thought it might just be a time thing with you account becoming active.

:welcome:Let me welcome you again to the forums, this time in my thread , nice to have you on board with us.:welcome:

You will find we are a forum unlike any other, we don't do drama, so there is no in fighting in our forum and we live by the AFN vibe which is be nice ,helpful and respectful to all members.:bighug:

This creates a place of harmonious learning where no one is better than anyone else regardless of their level of knowledge.:d5:

If anyone should have greater knowledge in a specific area they should by following the AFN vibe be able to pass that knowledge on to fellow members in a polite and courteous manner.:woohoo1:

I love this place as do our members and I know you will too.:smoking:

Take five minutes to pop over to our intros section,where you will get a proper AFN welcome and where we can get to know you a little and you can meet our awesome members.Here's a like for you - just click the post new thread and away you go! :)

Now to answer your question:
I like the way your thinking, this is an important factor when considering buying a constant current driver for a LED build.

Ease of use.

Hands on dimming no fiddling with a screwdriver opening up the driver to set the potentiometer which is internal.

I can dim as and when it suits me.

I can place the potentiometer where it can be reached easily, if I were to build a frame or a case, I could place the poteniometer at the front of the build, where I can visually see the setting of the potentiometer and be able to access it with ease.

There are a number of members in the forums here at AFN, who have already or want to build DIY COB LEDs, many inspired by Growmau5 but also by Greengenes, SupraSPL and others.

Hopefully we will see a COB builders section in the forum soon, the forums are currently in the process of revamping a number of sections to make them even better and more accessible to members - watch this space!

Thanks for stopping by and hope you come and visit again soon.
May the vibe be with you!:vibe:(this is Harry, he is the AFN vibe wiggler)

Have a great day and we look forward to your grow journal and maybe a build journal if you build a COB!:thumbsup:

Almost forgot, Have a look at our "Live stoners Gossip" section of the forums.
It is a place to chat ,laugh and make new friends.
We also have live interviews & as far as I know no other forums does this.(yet)
Tonight we have Tom from Platinum LEDs, the interviews are conducted by the Bud Warriors, who are the diving force of Live Stoners and who create a fun and lively atmosphere and get the party started.
The interview starts at 6pm BST.
I'll be doing a poster in Live Stoners with all the american time zones, should you hail from that side of the pond!
All are welcome but we ask that the interviewee be treated respectfully in the same manner as we would to a fellow member.:vibe:Live Stoners link -
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Hi tobe :)

Always nice to see you here!
I know how difficult it can be keeping up with all the threads you like to follow, I have the same problem to!!
Coupled with how busy life can be I totally understand.
Drop by when ever you have the time, that will be just fine :D
I will do another update in 3 Days time, I just want the pictures to be a week apart.
By having them spaced out you really get to see how much they have grown each week.
Here's a pic I took yesterday, a sneak peek into this weeks update!
Hi tobe :)

Always nice to see you here!
I know how difficult it can be keeping up with all the threads you like to follow, I have the same problem to!!
Coupled with how busy life can be I totally understand.
Drop by when ever you have the time, that will be just fine :D
I will do another update in 3 Days time, I just want the pictures to be a week apart.
By having them spaced out you really get to see how much they have grown each week.
Here's a pic I took yesterday, a sneak peek into this weeks update!
View attachment 611288
Hi arty
I like the pic with the afn background.
cu tobe
Hi arty
I like the pic with the afn background.
cu tobe
Cheers buddy :) I actually worked out I had the settings all wrong on my camera, so this is the first pic that was set right!
Hi Arty,

I took a very very close look at your driver and dimmer at this quote:



First, the driver looks like "LPC-60-1400" however you mentioned in your parts list

"1 x MeanWell HLG-60H-24B Constant Current LED Drivere rated @ 1400 mA Dimmable"

is this a typo??? i can't really find the model HLG-60H-24B.


1. What is the model you are actually using in this set up?

2. are you using DC side dimming control? (brown and blue----dimmer----power cord) looks like int the picture

3. what is this???? is this the dimming control??(attached pic below)

4. What do you think to use "DC side dimming control" with MeanWell Type A driver, compared to Type B which has dedicated dimming cables???
I was looking at this Type B drivers, and i know it provides more dimming range than just 50% of Type A ones, However, attaching a small 100k potentiometer looks a bit messy to me... so i was wondering if i go choose this DC side dimming control(picture attached below) with Type A, and still wonder if this possible to have the benefit of this DC side dimming control's wider range of dimming than just 50% of built-in MeanWell potentiometer. the 2nd picture i attached below provides almost similar range of dimming as the 100k pot.

5. If I run 2 individual drivers, is it possible to unite the 2 drivers' DC into 1 power cord? so that i can save 1 power outlet?

Appreciate in advance

Screen Shot 2016-08-05 at 3.39.46 AM_100k.jpgScreen Shot 2016-08-05 at 3.48.49 AM_100k.jpg
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Hi Arty,

I took a very very close look at your driver and dimmer at this quote:

First, the driver looks like "LPC-60-1400" however you mentioned in your parts list

"1 x MeanWell HLG-60H-24B Constant Current LED Drivere rated @ 1400 mA Dimmable"

is this a typo??? i can't really find the model HLG-60H-24B.


1. What is the model you are actually using in this set up?

2. are you using DC side dimming control? (brown and blue----dimmer----power cord) looks like int the picture

3. what is this???? is this the dimming control??(attached pic below)

4. What do you think to use "DC side dimming control" with MeanWell Type A driver, compared to Type B which has dedicated dimming cables???
I was looking at this Type B drivers, and i know it provides more dimming range than just 50% of Type A ones, However, attaching a small 100k potentiometer looks a bit messy to me... so i was wondering if i go choose this DC side dimming control(picture attached below) with Type A, and still wonder if this possible to have the benefit of this DC side dimming control's wider range of dimming than just 50% of built-in MeanWell potentiometer. the 2nd picture i attached below provides almost similar range of dimming as the 100k pot.

5. If I run 2 individual drivers, is it possible to unite the 2 drivers' DC into 1 power cord? so that i can save 1 power outlet?

Appreciate in advance

View attachment 611405View attachment 611422

Hi Fullcurve this was my first COB build.
I am not a guru when it comes to building COBs, like many I was inspired by Growmau5 and his builds.
I probably won't be able to answer all your questions instantly at the moment but I will try to get the answers your looking for if I can.
In time and with a bit of studying I hope to get up to speed so to be able to answer more directly.
As I mentioned before hopefully we will have a DIY LED section,This will give us a place to discuss all thing DIY COBs and share our knowledge and learn together.

The first driver is a LPC-60-1400 it wasn't dimmable ie din't have the extra wire to attach the potentiometer which is what I wanted.

The first driver was used only until I got the HLG-60H-42B.

Yes the HLG-60H-42B really does exist, I thought it odd you couldn't find it so I googled it and there were plenty of hits.
Mouser,UK-RS & Meanwell UK all stock it so you shouldn't have any problem getting hold of one.
  1. HLG-60H-42B
  2. In the picture below you can see the potentiometer and the wire coming from the driver to it.
    It is the white and blue wires I used to dim with the potentiometer.

  3. The picture you posted asking what was the side dimming control I was using is a simple on/off switch which I used when I was using the LPC-60-1400 driver.
  4. You can see the potentiometer in the pic below, I don't think it looks messy be that just my opinion. All I have done is follow Growmau5 instructions so I don't have answer to your alternative dimming wire question, he has a lot more knowledge in this matter , so I defer to his knowledge.
  5. Keep it one driver one circuit or get a bigger driver.1 pc LGSU250-1400D, 250 watt or ZPE 250-1400D 250 Watt Dimmable driver allows 4 COBS to be run at just under 50 watts, the sweet spot of wall plate efficiency( can run 5 COBs max)
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AS99 Day 67 Close ups
Not long to go now.
Trichs are still clear.
Not a lot to report, just porn pics to show!
AS99 (FILEminimizer).png
AS99 4 (FILEminimizer).png
AS99 5 (FILEminimizer).png
AS99 3 (FILEminimizer).png
AS99 3 (FILEminimizer).png
AS99 1 (FILEminimizer).png