Grow Room Arty's PC Case CREE COB Micro Grow AS99

Ive been letting all my portal strains go at least 10 weeks some up to 12 to get knock down meds for pain....but think im gonna cut this girl at 9 weeks ready or not to take on vac....just hope i dont ruin it by cuttin to soon.....maybe not flippin decisions
I was doing a bit of reading up on AS99 today it seems most people who have grown it chop between day 70 - 80 from germination so that's 10 - 11 ish weeks total grow time.I recon you should let it go to week 10 but the choice is your to make.
Today is day 50 which means 3 - 4 weeks left of my grow, I'll try to leave it as long as possible.
I haven't been able to grow for coming on a year and I'm fed up of vaping weed that is not left for those few extra weeks to fully mature, I want a devastating stone and I think AS99 will do that from the reports I've read.
What I want is to have a vape and enter the twilight zone & lose all perception of time and just chill out.
I'm gonna do an update tomorrow as I have repotted her (very gently) as she had so much root mass in that tiny 4" (10cm) pot she was drying out quick time and I can't be bothered nursing her with multiple feeds a day.
Heres a sneak preview of her roots.
DSCN2846 (FILEminimizer).JPG
DSCN2849 (FILEminimizer).JPG
When I pressed the top of the coco I could feel the resistance form the root mass.
Things are a lot better after the repot and the coco isn't drying out so fast but watering/feeding is a daily task.
Looking great arty very impressed with the little one
I guess it down to genetics, a good light source and looking after it right.
The CREE CXB3590 LED COB Chip is a micro growers wet dream so to speak.
Over the years I have taken great interest in PC grow many of which started out with great hope and expectations.
Trying to fit everything into a small space when using CFL's or 50W ufo LED's lights is a big ask due to space constraints and a lack of light intensity and heat problems.
Many of the pc grow journals I looked at just fizzled out or the buds were light and airy with a poor yield.
It was desperation that made me build the cab (The old tower was just collecting dust) I hadn't grown for 3/4 of a year when I dropped the seed and It took a few months to build the cab part time.
It is amazing how much you can spend on making a micro cab.It would have been cheaper to go buy a cheap HPS,a budget tent and fan/filter combo but where the fun in that, plus I needed something I could just hide should the need arise.
@ day 50 I can really feel the firm chunkyness of the bud, this isn't gonna be any airy crap.
My only annoyance is that I reckon i could have squeezed in a second plant but I wasn't sure how small I could keep the AS99.
The up side though is I can get another seed germing in the next couple of weeks and get a slight jump on the next crop chop date.
I guess it down to genetics, a good light source and looking after it right.
The CREE CXB3590 LED COB Chip is a micro growers wet dream so to speak.
Over the years I have taken great interest in PC grow many of which started out with great hope and expectations.
Trying to fit everything into a small space when using CFL's or 50W ufo LED's lights is a big ask due to space constraints and a lack of light intensity and heat problems.
Many of the pc grow journals I looked at just fizzled out or the buds were light and airy with a poor yield.
It was desperation that made me build the cab (The old tower was just collecting dust) I hadn't grown for 3/4 of a year when I dropped the seed and It took a few months to build the cab part time.
It is amazing how much you can spend on making a micro cab.It would have been cheaper to go buy a cheap HPS,a budget tent and fan/filter combo but where the fun in that, plus I needed something I could just hide should the need arise.
@ day 50 I can really feel the firm chunkyness of the bud, this isn't gonna be any airy crap.
My only annoyance is that I reckon i could have squeezed in a second plant but I wasn't sure how small I could keep the AS99.
The up side though is I can get another seed germing in the next couple of weeks and get a slight jump on the next crop chop date.
I think ure spot on with a micro grow wet dream the light has produced a wonderful plant with dense nugs.

Uve gained vital experience with this grow and now realised that two can go in the cab and have a perpetual mini cab of a plant every 4 weeks if calculated properly
I was doing a bit of reading up on AS99 today it seems most people who have grown it chop between day 70 - 80 from germination so that's 10 - 11 ish weeks total grow time.I recon you should let it go to week 10 but the choice is your to make.
Today is day 50 which means 3 - 4 weeks left of my grow, I'll try to leave it as long as possible.
I haven't been able to grow for coming on a year and I'm fed up of vaping weed that is not left for those few extra weeks to fully mature, I want a devastating stone and I think AS99 will do that from the reports I've read.
What I want is to have a vape and enter the twilight zone & lose all perception of time and just chill out.
I'm gonna do an update tomorrow as I have repotted her (very gently) as she had so much root mass in that tiny 4" (10cm) pot she was drying out quick time and I can't be bothered nursing her with multiple feeds a day.
Heres a sneak preview of her roots.
When I pressed the top of the coco I could feel the resistance form the root mass.
Things are a lot better after the repot and the coco isn't drying out so fast but watering/feeding is a daily task.
Looking great Arty!
I think ure spot on with a micro grow wet dream the light has produced a wonderful plant with dense nugs.

Uve gained vital experience with this grow and now realised that two can go in the cab and have a perpetual mini cab of a plant every 4 weeks if calculated properly
Yup spot on bro, although I do hope to start my old cab back up later this year.
I will continue to use the micro cab to bring on seedlings and also have it around just in case I should ever need to do a full grow in it again.
Looks awesome mate, subbed. I'm very interested in these micro grows, looks like your right on the right track.
Hi Greensleeves and welcome to my journal and welcome to the forums too!
Just saw you converted fridge pic, so I'll need to go check out your post and get the low down on it.
I started this project because last year I was forced by circumstances to stop growing in my old cab for security reasons.
It was good fun building it but not cheap.
I am loving the CREE CXB3590 COB LED which I'm currently running @ 1400MA and the chip is using 50W power of which 25W is photons a 50% efficiency.
I still have about 4 weeks to go so I expect it will put on a bit of weight and chunk out some more.
It is amazing what can be done in less than a square foot of space.
I recently rescued a fridge for the same purpose as you but it doesn't have the freezer bit on top.
I would prefer a fridge with a freezer box so I can stick the fans and all the electric in it and have the lower chamber for growing.