Grow Room Arty's PC Case CREE COB Micro Grow AS99

Dr Fluff

Mighty Powerful, Cure Alls & Snake Oil Elixirs
Cultivators Club
Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
yo arse
First off the bat I want to thank @Dazed for introducing me to the world of the CREE CXB3590 COB, Growmau5 & Greengenes, thanks brother it has opened up a whole new avenue for me and I plan to build more lights, bigger and better!!highfiveI also want to thank@Dazed & @Fuggzy for their help with components and helping me understand how certain aspects of COB building works.

Unfortunately 11 month ago I had a security problem and one that just wouldn't go away. I had 8 months of maintenance work in my building, so no growing for me.
There was also an incidence where the landlord smelled a little bit of weed on me which didn't help matters. That all seems to be in the past but I remain vigilant in not getting caught growing, so I have opted for a micro grow.

I have been missing growing so much it literally hurt but I wasn't gonna just fire up the cab as soon as the the maintenance was over and risk being caught.
So I thought about it and decided to make an old PC tower I had lying around into a micro grow cab.
It was in conversation with dazed I mention getting a small 50W led (which was made up of 3W Diodes) for the cab.
Dazed then went on to tell me about Growmau5 and Greengenes and how they were building COB grow lights from CREE CXB3590 chips.
I also transpired that Dazed was gonna build one of these CREE COB's and that was it, I was hooked on the Idea!

After watching some youtube videos and doing some looking around the web for suppliers etc I found an ad on Ebay for a single CREE COB kit and so I ordered it, when it arrived it wasn't in kit form but had already been put together.
The build was somewhat of a novice build and not up to my standard, so I rebuilt it.

I will post a thread of the Cab build, which will include pics of the COB as it arrived and what it looked like after the rebuild, a photo step by step build of my micro carbon filter and also a photo step by step of the PC server cab build.

So eventually all the build processes were finished and it was time to drop a bean, after some discussion with various members it was decided, I was gonna go with "Amnesia Stone99" in part this was due to the fact it was a Fem.
I wanted it to be a fem as I was only going to grow one plant and AS99 also had a good bit of power behind it's stoneyness, mmmm sounded just right.

I gave the seed (Amnesia Stone99 from the Autoflower Portal) a bit of light scarification to help remove a little of the seed coat to aid water absorbtion and then soaked it for 12 hours before it cracked.
It was then into a Rootit horticultural sponge and wait for the germed sprout to appear.
It had a bit of trouble with germination, the seed stuck out a tap root nicely but the seed case stayed on like a helmet and remained there.
So I had to go in with a couple of pairs of tweezers and remove the seed case.
You'd have thought all would have gone smoothly thereafter but thing weren't quite a go!
There is a membrane inside the casing which had remained over the tips of the cotyledons which dried and was stopping the cotyledons from opening, so back to the two sets of tweezers.
The removal of the membrane was a very delicate operation, more so than removing the seed casing as the as I didn't want to damage the soft tissue of the cotyledons.
The operation worked but where the membrane had been the tips of the cotyledons remained white/pale but soon the first set of true leaves started to come out and all was good. yay!
I started the count as soon as the cotyledons appeared which was 1st of June and so it has now been going for 16 days.
I treated her mean for the first 13 days and only gave her water until she started showing a slight N def and then fed her @ 1.1 EC 5.6ph (in coco) and started a regime of foliar feeding and she greened right back up.
I wanted to try and keep her small and not encourage too much lush growth. The CXB3590 is fantastically bright and is doing a great job at keeping the nodes tight.
I'm running my COB @ 700mA which means I'm running @ 50% of what my 1400mA driver is capable of and which is about 25% of what the chip is capable of.
Running it @ 700mA gives me the best efficiency, which results in about 60% photons and 40% heat which is right in the sweet spot.

I'll do a list of parts with dimensions of the cab asap but don't have everything to hand right now.

Which means without further a do, it is time for some pics.

I've kept this pic small so you can see the whole cab without scrolling. The COB is dimmed to it's lowest setting in these pictures.The COB is seriously bright, if it was turned up any higher it starts washing out the pictures. I normally have the light @ 50% (In the 700mA zone) and only dim for the pictures.

Almost forgot Temps are generally around the 27C mark but I do adjust the brightness on hot days to lower the temp should it rise too high.
The RH is generally between 40% & 50%

Thanks for dropping by and having a look see and hope you will follow the story to the end.

If anyone is wondering this a full DIY build - the case DIY, CREE COB DIY & Micro Carbon Filter DIY.
I will be doing a build thread for the Cab, COB & Carbon Filter, which will show how all the different components of the cab were built.

All the best

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First off the bat I want to thank @Dazed for introducing me to the world of the CREE CXB3590 COB, Growmau5 & Greengenes, thanks brother it has opened up a whole new avenue for me and I plan to build more lights, bigger and better!!highfiveI also want to thank@Dazed & @Fuggzy for their help with components and helping me understand how certain aspects of COB building works.

Unfortunately 11 month ago I had a security problem and one that just wouldn't go away. I had 8 months of maintenance work in my building, so no growing for me.
There was also an incidence where the landlord smelled a little bit of weed on me which didn't help matters. That all seems to be in the past but I remain vigilant in not getting caught growing, so I have opted for a micro grow.

I have been missing growing so much it literally hurt but I wasn't gonna just fire up the cab as soon as the the maintenance was over and risk being caught.
So I thought about it and decided to make an old PC tower I had lying around into a micro grow cab.
It was in conversation with dazed I mention getting a small 50W led (which was made up of 3W Diodes) for the cab.
Dazed then went on to tell me about Growmau5 and Greengenes and how they were building COB grow lights from CREE CXB3590 chips.
I also transpired that Dazed was gonna build one of these CREE COB's and that was it, I was hooked on the Idea!

After watching some youtube videos and doing some looking around the web for suppliers etc I found an ad on Ebay for a single CREE COB kit and so I ordered it, when it arrived it wasn't in kit form but had already been put together.
The build was somewhat of a novice build and not up to my standard, so I rebuilt it.

I will post a thread of the Cab build, which will include pics of the COB as it arrived and what it looked like after the rebuild, a photo step by step build of my micro carbon filter and also a photo step by step of the PC server cab build.

So eventually all the build processes were finished and it was time to drop a bean, after some discussion with various members it was decided, I was gonna go with "Amnesia Stone99" in part this was due to the fact it was a Fem.
I wanted it to be a fem as I was only going to grow one plant and AS99 also had a good bit of power behind it's stoneyness, mmmm sounded just right.

I gave the seed (Amnesia Stone99 from the Autoflower Portal) a bit of light scarification to help remove a little of the seed coat to aid water absorbtion and then soaked it for 12 hours before it cracked.
It was then into a Rootit horticultural sponge and wait for the germed sprout to appear.
It had a bit of trouble with germination, the seed stuck out a tap root nicely but the seed case stayed on like a helmet and remained there.
So I had to go in with a couple of pairs of tweezers and remove the seed case.
You'd have thought all would have gone smoothly thereafter but thing weren't quite a go!
There is a membrane inside the casing which had remained over the tips of the cotyledons which dried and was stopping the cotyledons from opening, so back to the two sets of tweezers.
The removal of the membrane was a very delicate operation, more so than removing the seed casing as the as I didn't want to damage the soft tissue of the cotyledons.
The operation worked but where the membrane had been the tips of the cotyledons remained white/pale but soon the first set of true leaves started to come out and all was good. yay!
I started the count as soon as the cotyledons appeared which was 1st of June and so it has now been going for 16 days.
I treated her mean for the first 13 days and only gave her water until she started showing a slight N def and then fed her @ 1.1 EC 5.6ph (in coco) and started a regime of foliar feeding and she greened right back up.
I wanted to try and keep her small and not encourage too much lush growth. The CXB3590 is fantastically bright and is doing a great job at keeping the nodes tight.
I'm running my COB @ 700mA which means I'm running @ 50% of what my 1400mA driver is capable of and which is about 25% of what the chip is capable of.
Running it @ 700mA gives me the best efficiency, which results in about 60% photons and 40% heat which is right in the sweet spot.

I'll do a list of parts with dimensions of the cab asap but don't have everything to hand right now.

Which means without further a do, it is time for some pics.

I've kept this pic small so you can see the whole cab without scrolling. The COB is dimmed to it's lowest setting in these pictures.The COB is seriously bright, if it was turned up any higher it starts washing out the pictures. I normally have the light @ 50% (In the 700mA zone) and only dim for the pictures.

Almost forgot Temps are generally around the 27C mark but I do adjust the brightness on hot days to lower the temp should it rise too high.
The RH is generally between 40% & 50%

Thanks for dropping by and having a look see and hope you will follow the story to the end.

If anyone is wondering this a full DIY build - the case DIY, CREE COB DIY & Micro Carbon Filter DIY.
I will be doing a build thread for the Cab, COB & Carbon Filter, which will show how all the different components of the cab were built.

All the best

Max rep arty best of luck with the grow and I am in the exact same situation so feel you bro like me always remember tell no one I mean no one this is why I love this network I can express and show case my plants :slap:
Max rep arty best of luck with the grow and I am in the exact same situation so feel you bro like me always remember tell no one I mean no one this is why I love this network I can express and show case my plants :slap:

Thanks bro, seriously I am all about stealth, you could walk past my grow cab (the proper one) and you wouldn't know it was there (totally silent).
The problem was I knew the people who were doing the work and I knew how anti cannabis they were, so I had already moved my grow to a mates house, who is also a grower.
The problem arose after coming back from my mates house after trimming my crop.
There wasn't the ability to have a proper shower at his house and I had tried to wash of what stink I could but I must of still had a bit of a whiff on me.
I arrived home and just as I was going to open the front door of the property where I live in a flat, the landlord came out.
The landlord wouldn't normally have been there at that time I came home & was usually only there in the day whilst the works were being carried out but he had come back for something he had forgotten to take with him.
It was at this point he smelled weed on me!!!
A 1000 to 1 chance and the universe had decided that was the the point two forces should collide.
I won't go in to full details but that was the start of many months of those shits trying to catch me doing something they didn't like, even though there was nothing going on.
Eventually they realized there was nothing going on but I am still being ultra careful.
Should anyone want to enter my property, they need to give 24 hours notice, at which point I can wrap my micro grow in pallet wrap & stick it in a suitcase and wheel it down the road with no one the wiser.
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First off the bat I want to thank @Dazed for introducing me to the world of the CREE CXB3590 COB, Growmau5 & Greengenes, thanks brother it has opened up a whole new avenue for me and I plan to build more lights, bigger and better!!highfiveI also want to thank@Dazed & @Fuggzy for their help with components and helping me understand how certain aspects of COB building works
Man thats awesome! I'm glad to finally see the cab up and running. I can't wait to do a pc case either, I love micro growing. Dude even my cobs at 9.3 watts ea wash out pics, its crazy how bright the cobs are even at low wattage. Great job man,max rep!
Man thats awesome! I'm glad to finally see the cab up and running. I can't wait to do a pc case either, I love micro growing. Dude even my cobs at 9.3 watts ea wash out pics, its crazy how bright the cobs are even at low wattage. Great job man,max rep!
Thank you @Fuggzy brotha :bighug:

I like a challenge and growing in a small space like this will be just that a whole heap of fun too!
It would be perfect for doing a "Stunted" style Grow, i could probably get 20-30 tiny weeny little plants in there.
It was also a great little project to build too!
I had to turn the COB dow just to the point where it was about to shut off to take the pics.
I am loving the CREE CXB3590 and I am already planning two 12" x 12" 4 COB light in a square configuration for my main cad for later this year.
I'll have 1 1400mA driver on each but run them at 700mA (50%) for max efficiency.
I know I could just run 4 COBs in a straight line down the middle and save almost half the cost of the build.
My thinking is 8 cobs run @ 700mA is 60% photons to 40 % heat compared to 4 cobs run @ 1400mA and only getting 50% photons and 50% heat.
I am also thinking that the 8 COBs will give a more even spread of light right to the edges and running them @ a lower mA charge will also give me a better life length for the COBs and less drop off of efficiencey over time.
Another consideration is, I will be using passive pinned heat sink (rather than active cooling, which I am using currently) COBs run at a lower mA charge will be easier to cool and there will be twice as much area/mass to cool the chips too.
I am totally loving these CXB3590 CREE COBs they are a game changer for sure.
I know Grams per Watt is not a perfect way of measuring efficiency of output to weight of the crop but it is something we are all aware of and it is rough meter stick to measure by, all be it rather inaccurate but when you see Growmau5 getting nearly 2gpw, you sit up and take notice.
Thanks for visiting and taking time to comment, I know you'll be back soon!
Peace bro
Dam bud your on it! I was still typing, Haha. Subbed in too btw. :d5:
lmao yeah I noticed your like lol.
I've got to make time and come and visit you Journal too but it is 11.30PM now and I've been posting all day on two sites lmao.
My eyes are spinning and I still haven't had a vape yet today, funny thing when I'm posting on forums I vape less weed , my fingers are too busy posting lol'
So if it is OK with you I'll drop by tomorrow.