Grow Room Arty's PC Case CREE COB Micro Grow AS99

Along for the ride. Great set up dude.

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Thanks Bunny, glad your along for the ride.
Anything you want to know just ask Arty, I'll do my best to explain it for ya.
Thanks for dropping in and look forward to seeing you again brother :)
excellent design welcome back to growing subbed up from here on oh and a nice :slap: for the cab and light :pass:
Hi Wile e good to see you here and thanks for the sub don't worry about bring popcorn I make it fresh everyday! Help yourself

I'm pretty chuffed to be growing again, I never want to go that long with out a grow ever again.

Thanks for the props on the light and the cab, it took a while to build but it works like a charm.

I'am especially pleased making my own LED grow light , there's a few of us who have made them (hopefully we will see a few more people making them too)!

Thanks for dropping by brother :)

Strain - Amnesia Stone99
Breeder - Stone
Purchased from - Autoflower Portal Gift Shop

Strain Description

To Follow..........

Propagation equipment

  • Shot glass
  • Rootit rooting sponge
  • maxicrop plant growth stimulator
  • Ph'd water
  • Hygrometer

Main Equipment

  • 10 Cm Square pot
  • Blue lab truncheon EC meter
  • Ph pen + calibration powers
  • TDS pen
  • Thermometer/hygrometer
  • Various sundries jugs, beakers, dosing syringes, de-ionized water for rinsing meter probes.

Substrates,nutrients & amendments

  • Canna coco Professional + (with Trichoderma ) 80%
  • Perlite 20%
  • Greenhouse powder feed (Short Flowering)
  • Hydro coco PK boost (PK13-14)
  • Density Cal-Mag Pro -1ml per liter
  • Molasses - blacstrap
  • Dutch Pro PH + (Up)
  • Dutch Pro PH - (Down Grow)
  • Dutch Pro PH - (Down Bloom)
  • Root Grow - Mycorrhizae
* Trichoderma - A group of related fungus. Most Trichoderma protect the plant against harmful fungi. This is because they eat other fungi. There are also 'bad' Trichoderma that eat beneficial fungi.

The PC Tower Cab


H - 62 Cm
W -19 Cm
D - 42 Cm

Inside the Cab

Neoprene sound insulation (Self Adhesive)
Diamond Mylar (Double sided carpet tape used to attach to neoprene)
1 x 230v Bi Sonic fan
1 x 230v Sunon fan
1 x DIY CXB3590 CREE COB Grow light, 36v chip , 50W max output when run @ 1400 mA
1 x DIY Micro Carbon Filter
1 x MeanWell HLG-60H-24B Constant Current LED Drivere rated @ 1400 mA Dimmable
1 x 100K Potentiometer (Dimmer)
1 x 12v 1A power supply for the LED heat sink

Cab Pics

View attachment 590113
Side view looking inside

View attachment 590114

View attachment 590115

View attachment 590116
Cob and Filter in cab

View attachment 590117
Micro DIY Filte and CREE CXB3590 COB LED in cab

DIY Micro Filter

View attachment 590118
Looking into the air way in the DIY Micro Carbon Filter

View attachment 590119
DIY Micro Carbon Filter


View attachment 590123
Loving it bro is the hydro pk from the pound shop as I 6 bottles of that the grow and the bloom
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I didn't feed my seedling for 13 days and relied on the nutrients contained in the cotyledons, this was an experimental move to try and reduce lush growth by feeding high nitrogen ferts too soon , as I wanted to try and keep her small as I only have a limited amount of space.

After 13 day had passed I noticed there was definite N def and the leaves were starting to look pale.

I started feeding @ 1,1EC and @ 5.6 PH, I grow in Canna Coco Pro 80% with Perlite 20% I also started foliar spraying with the same strength nutes as I feed with.

She responed well to this feeding regime and soon started to get back to normal green colour.

I have now raised the EC to 1.3 EC and the PH to PH 5.8.

She continuing to grow but remains diminutive/petite but is putting on growth & and height albeit with very tight internode spacing.

Amnesia Stone is know for growing fairly tall so the challenge is to keep her controlled and where ever possible of a relatively small stature.

I'm still not sure entirely how I'm gonna grow her but lst training techniques will come in to play at some point but if she remains small then i may not need to to fim or top.

Today I noticed her first pistil although I wa hard to see properly, I keep checking over the next few days.

One of the methods I employ when growing in my full sized cab is a method called "Stunting" maybe not the best name for a grow technique but it works great.

The only point where it actually stunts growth is in the stretch phaze, this keeps the plants small and stocky but they have fantastic buds, the plants in fact almost totally bud.

The method is to transplant the plant which have been grown in 1liter pots until first signs of sex (pistils) they are then transplanted to 7.5 liter pots.

So the 1 liter pots keep growth restricted in veg and the trans plantation to the larger 7.5 liter pots at sex causes transplant shock right at the moment when Stretch is about to take place.

So whilst the plant is taking care of the transplant shock it doesn't stretch :) but it soon recovers and grows as normal just shorter which mean greater light penetration.

Another technique which I use at the same time is 24 hr constant temps, I simply do this by 24/7 light. No dark period means no temp fluctuation.

This technique can also be used with a 18/6 light/dark grow or in fact any lighting regime by simply heating the space thermostatically in the dark period.

Why does constant temps help? Well when the lights go off the temps drop. The greater the difference between light on and lights off the greater amount of stretch you will get!

Constant temps mean less stretch.

I am growing much smaller but the techniques remain the same, seeing as I'm in a right tight grow space, I'm not sure if I'm goon go to a bigger pot or not.

If I stay in the small pot I may just shock the roots gently to stop stretch or I may think sod it and go to a larger pot.

This is the first time I have ever grown so small, so even though I can use familiar techniques if I need to keep her small/stocky I may find I push to hard one way or another.

Once I have grown in this cab a few time I'm sure I could get it dialled in nicely.

Everyday is an adventure and a journey where I not sure how it will end, will I get it spot on ?? It could go either way maybe I grow her too small , maybe she will get to big, we will see and I will have to cut my cloth accordingly.

Thanks for stopping by

Growing great bro
Loving it bro is the hydro pk from the pound shop as I 6 bottles of that the grow and the bloom
Haha you know it brother and it does a great job, I only use the PK boost as I have a load of Powder Feeding sent to me from when I was on another forum.
The nodes on her are tight, tight, tight I may even want her to stretch lol
Stone was saying she could get really quite tall, so I'll just keep an eye on her.
The COB is super bright and When on full power It is using 50W and 25W of that is pure photons in less than a sqaure foot of floor space.
This is the beta test for the cab, it is all new and untested and it should produce something but as they say the third time is a charm.
Haha you know it brother and it does a great job, I only use the PK boost as I have a load of Powder Feeding sent to me from when I was on another forum.
The nodes on her are tight, tight, tight I may even want her to stretch lol
Stone was saying she could get really quite tall, so I'll just keep an eye on her.
The COB is super bright and When on full power It is using 50W and 25W of that is pure photons in less than a sqaure foot of floor space.
This is the beta test for the cab, it is all new and untested and it should produce something but as they say the third time is a charm.
That they do I'm going to use canna pk on one plant and hydro pk on the other see if I can see a big difference that cob is super bright if it washes out pics I think ull do well in the cab bro
That they do I'm going to use canna pk on one plant and hydro pk on the other see if I can see a big difference that cob is super bright if it washes out pics I think ull do well in the cab bro
Awesome I love a good side by side comparison and look forward to seeing the results, I'm crossing my fingers for the Hydro coco PK as it is cheap as chips.
I should do OK and I'll always get a smoke out of it, it just takes a while to get used to a small space and to dial it in.
The COB is super bright and I have pans to build some bigger COBs for my main grow space which will hopefully start up late autumn is all is well.
I don't know If you have watched any of Gromau5 youtube videos but they are great, just go for one of his grow vids (the harvest ones are nice) if you get caught by the bug you can always watch his how to vids.
If you ever need to know about CREECXB3590 building @Dazed @Fuggzy & @arty zan we can help or point you in the right direction.
Strain - Amnesia Stone99
Breeder - Stone
Purchased from - Autoflower Portal Gift Shop

Strain Description
Amnesia Stone99
Amnesia Stone99 is a cross matching a sweet pineapple/musky Stone99 and its classic potent cerebral high with the powerful body hit of Amnesia Stone. Medium size plant with strong lateral branches. Expect colour change at late bloom to purple and black.

Aromas: Haze, Earthy, Floral, Pepper, Hash, Citrus, Spice, Sour, Pineapple, Lemon, Orange, Woody, Mandarin, Sweet Orange juice, Bitter Honey, Skunk, Eucalyptus

Grinder – Lemonade, Ginger, Honey, Blossom, Orange, Synthetic Pine

Joint – Spicy Orange, Bitter Floral, Earthy Amnesia Tone, Dark Wood

Vape – Oak, Earthy Woody Tone, Shisha Tobacco like Molasses, Bitter

Effects – Cerebral, Behind eyes and temples, Energetic, Slowed thoughts, Anti-Stress, Anti-Anxiety, Blood circulation, Sleeping aid.

Joint – Low Dose: Warming, Mood enhancer, Still heavy behind the eyes, Sociable Smoke; High Dose: Zombifying, Knockout stone

Vape – Low Dose: Warming behind the eyes, Buzzy, Slowed reactions and thoughts; High Dose: Dizzying, Drunk-like feeling

Amnesia Stone 99’s dominant flavours are a lovely freshly squeezed, sweet orange juice tone held together by a bitter honey and flowery blossom bouquet. There is a touch of spice which come through on the exhale and a hashy undertone that followed which makes the whole thing just a joy to vape or smoke.

Reported medical benefits of Amnesia Stone99: RLS relief, sleep aid, anti-anxiety and anti-depressant effects

Propagation equipment

  • Shot glass
  • Rootit rooting sponge
  • maxicrop plant growth stimulator
  • Ph'd water
  • Hygrometer

Main Equipment

  • 10 Cm Square pot
  • Blue lab truncheon EC meter
  • Ph pen + calibration powers
  • TDS pen
  • Thermometer/hygrometer
  • Various sundries jugs, beakers, dosing syringes, de-ionized water for rinsing meter probes.

Substrates,nutrients & amendments

  • Canna coco Professional + (with Trichoderma ) 80%
  • Perlite 20%
  • Greenhouse powder feed (Short Flowering)
  • Hydro coco PK boost (PK13-14)
  • Density Cal-Mag Pro -1ml per liter
  • Molasses - blacstrap
  • Dutch Pro PH + (Up)
  • Dutch Pro PH - (Down Grow)
  • Dutch Pro PH - (Down Bloom)
  • Root Grow - Mycorrhizae
* Trichoderma - A group of related fungus. Most Trichoderma protect the plant against harmful fungi. This is because they eat other fungi. There are also 'bad' Trichoderma that eat beneficial fungi.

The PC Tower Cab


H - 62 Cm
W -19 Cm
D - 42 Cm

Inside the Cab

Neoprene sound insulation (Self Adhesive)
Diamond Mylar (Double sided carpet tape used to attach to neoprene)
1 x 230v Bi Sonic fan
1 x 230v Sunon fan
1 x DIY CXB3590 CREE COB Grow light, 36v chip , 50W max output when run @ 1400 mA
1 x DIY Micro Carbon Filter
1 x MeanWell HLG-60H-24B Constant Current LED Drivere rated @ 1400 mA Dimmable
1 x 100K Potentiometer (Dimmer)
1 x 12v 1A power supply for the LED heat sink

Cab Pics

View attachment 590113
Side view looking inside

View attachment 590114

View attachment 590115

View attachment 590116
Cob and Filter in cab

View attachment 590117
Micro DIY Filte and CREE CXB3590 COB LED in cab

DIY Micro Filter

View attachment 590118
Looking into the air way in the DIY Micro Carbon Filter

View attachment 590119
DIY Micro Carbon Filter


View attachment 590123
Nice setup i like the micro grows.
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I didn't feed my seedling for 13 days and relied on the nutrients contained in the cotyledons, this was an experimental move to try and reduce lush growth by feeding high nitrogen ferts too soon , as I wanted to try and keep her small as I only have a limited amount of space.

After 13 day had passed I noticed there was definite N def and the leaves were starting to look pale.

I started feeding @ 1,1EC and @ 5.6 PH, I grow in Canna Coco Pro 80% with Perlite 20% I also started foliar spraying with the same strength nutes as I feed with.

She responed well to this feeding regime and soon started to get back to normal green colour.

I have now raised the EC to 1.3 EC and the PH to PH 5.8.

She continuing to grow but remains diminutive/petite but is putting on growth & and height albeit with very tight internode spacing.

Amnesia Stone is know for growing fairly tall so the challenge is to keep her controlled and where ever possible of a relatively small stature.

I'm still not sure entirely how I'm gonna grow her but lst training techniques will come in to play at some point but if she remains small then i may not need to to fim or top.

Today I noticed her first pistil although I wa hard to see properly, I keep checking over the next few days.

One of the methods I employ when growing in my full sized cab is a method called "Stunting" maybe not the best name for a grow technique but it works great.

The only point where it actually stunts growth is in the stretch phaze, this keeps the plants small and stocky but they have fantastic buds, the plants in fact almost totally bud.

The method is to transplant the plant which have been grown in 1liter pots until first signs of sex (pistils) they are then transplanted to 7.5 liter pots.

So the 1 liter pots keep growth restricted in veg and the trans plantation to the larger 7.5 liter pots at sex causes transplant shock right at the moment when Stretch is about to take place.

So whilst the plant is taking care of the transplant shock it doesn't stretch :) but it soon recovers and grows as normal just shorter which mean greater light penetration.

Another technique which I use at the same time is 24 hr constant temps, I simply do this by 24/7 light. No dark period means no temp fluctuation.

This technique can also be used with a 18/6 light/dark grow or in fact any lighting regime by simply heating the space thermostatically in the dark period.

Why does constant temps help? Well when the lights go off the temps drop. The greater the difference between light on and lights off the greater amount of stretch you will get!

Constant temps mean less stretch.

I am growing much smaller but the techniques remain the same, seeing as I'm in a right tight grow space, I'm not sure if I'm goon go to a bigger pot or not.

If I stay in the small pot I may just shock the roots gently to stop stretch or I may think sod it and go to a larger pot.

This is the first time I have ever grown so small, so even though I can use familiar techniques if I need to keep her small/stocky I may find I push to hard one way or another.

Once I have grown in this cab a few time I'm sure I could get it dialled in nicely.

Everyday is an adventure and a journey where I not sure how it will end, will I get it spot on ?? It could go either way maybe I grow her too small , maybe she will get to big, we will see and I will have to cut my cloth accordingly.

Thanks for stopping by

Plants looking good bro. I wish you a good grow and much fun.

cu tobe
Day 27

Pistils are popping out of the pre flowers and I have some stretch, which in this instance is desirable due to my managing to keep her small in the start of her life.

Normally I would transplant at sex to stop stretch a technique that give me short stocky plants without losing yield.

If she starts to get to tall I'll top her (not to hard/much) just enough to let the lower nodes time to reach up.

Picture time

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DSCN2770 (FILEminimizer).JPG
Day 27

Pistils are popping out of the pre flowers and I have some stretch, which in this instance is desirable due to my managing to keep her small in the start of her life.

Normally I would transplant at sex to stop stretch a technique that give me short stocky plants without losing yield.

If she starts to get to tall I'll top her (not to hard/much) just enough to let the lower nodes time to reach up.

Picture time

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Arty what size pot she in again bro