Indoor Archaic fall 2018 stealth cabinet

Northern Express is getting trained to the far side of the pot to eat up some vertical stem growth.


The purple Nuggets looks awful and is miles behind. I've got another one getting started next to it.


Here is a close up of the purple Nuggets. It's been weird since it popped. Ordinarily I'd try to salvage it, but the shared reservoir and the fact that Northern Lights tend to get big - I'm just going to scrap it once the other seed is up and looking good. A shame, but that's why mephisto sends extras I guess.

Day 15 for the Northern. Just turned on the reservoir last night.


Quick peek at the guerilla site, plants are perking up a little. Goldstone male and female, if I get some seeds it's a win.

Stone dragon girl, tiny but a lot better out of the bad compost.

First node cleaned up and topped. Added another staple to keep moving main stem towards far edge of the pot. Went ahead and stuck the removed top in some rooting solution too see if it will take as a clone just for giggles.

TX-OK-AR area

Finally got around to putting another purple nuggets in a paper towel tonight. By the time it pops (hopefully, I've had bad luck with them) it will be almost a month behind the NL