Any help on Soil Mixing

May 19, 2016
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Hi everyone, I have been trying to grow with limited success and I'm looking at mixing up these ingredients for a soil mix to try again. Here's the ingredients the quantities given are just the amount I plan to buy/already have:

PERLITE (I have loads)
EPSOM SALTS (not sure if necessary) (got plenty)
PLANT MAGIC GRANULES (for potting up)

Will these ingredients give me a good enough mix? Can anyone offer suggested ratios/quantities?
How long should the mix be left to stand before use?

Available nutrients:
PLANT MAGIC SOIL GROW AND BLOOM HARD WATER (ordering this as may be better for my water)

Will these nutes be enough/any good?

I could really use any help here as I really need this next attempt to succeed:wall:
hi mate, there are so many different variables on mixing im gonna leave it to the real soil pros on here to answer.
but personally I only use lightmix, if I wanna be fancy, I mix in some allmix and coco, ratio of 40% lightmix, 20% allmix and 40% coco.
as far as those nutes go, they are ok, nice and gentle & I like that they are adjusted to either hard or soft water.
Have used plant magic before many times, but now I mainly use growing edge technologies aroma formula as its a lot better for increasing growth & yields... in my opinion.
plus it already contains calcium and magnesium so no need for magne cal.
Hi everyone, I have been trying to grow with limited success and I'm looking at mixing up these ingredients for a soil mix to try again. Here's the ingredients the quantities given are just the amount I plan to buy/already have:

PERLITE (I have loads)
EPSOM SALTS (not sure if necessary) (got plenty)
PLANT MAGIC GRANULES (for potting up)

Will these ingredients give me a good enough mix? Can anyone offer suggested ratios/quantities?
How long should the mix be left to stand before use?

Available nutrients:
PLANT MAGIC SOIL GROW AND BLOOM HARD WATER (ordering this as may be better for my water)

Will these nutes be enough/any good?

I could really use any help here as I really need this next attempt to succeed:wall:
my mix
2 qts unfertilized potting soil (I use Espoma because I can order it online anytime and pick it up at my local True Value hardware store or Walmart.)
1 qt unfertilized peat
1 qt unfertilized perlite (I buy the cheapest peat and perlite I can find. Usually less than $4 for an 8 qt bag.)
that will give you the perfect planting mix.
to the mix I add 5 cups of Espoma Flowertone. (I use to use tomatotone for photo but for auto switched to the lower nitrogen flower tone.)
That's probably all you need to grow an auto from germ to harvest.
Then you can add whatever you want at about one cup to 32 quarts mix. All I add is a cup of alfalfa meal and a cup of kelp meal to encourage some good activity for the soil while in storage. But everybody has their own preferred secret magic ingredient. Earthworm castings are always good but expensive if your worms are not making their own.
For autos I prefer to premix granulated fertilizer right into the soil before planting. Be careful with liquid until you know what you are doing. I've never seen a pot plant with a nutrient deficiency, but have seen many burnt plants. Liquid can be used to produce larger than normal plants but is not necessary. Your premixed soil should be well aged. Use one container for the new stuff and pot up out of the other older container of aged soil.
my mix
2 qts unfertilized potting soil (I use Espoma because I can order it online anytime and pick it up at my local True Value hardware store or Walmart.)
1 qt unfertilized peat
1 qt unfertilized perlite (I buy the cheapest peat and perlite I can find. Usually less than $4 for an 8 qt bag.)
that will give you the perfect planting mix.
to the mix I add 5 cups of Espoma Flowertone. (I use to use tomatotone for photo but for auto switched to the lower nitrogen flower tone.)
That's probably all you need to grow an auto from germ to harvest.
Then you can add whatever you want at about one cup to 32 quarts mix. All I add is a cup of alfalfa meal and a cup of kelp meal to encourage some good activity for the soil while in storage. But everybody has their own preferred secret magic ingredient. Earthworm castings are always good but expensive if your worms are not making their own.
For autos I prefer to premix granulated fertilizer right into the soil before planting. Be careful with liquid until you know what you are doing. I've never seen a pot plant with a nutrient deficiency, but have seen many burnt plants. Liquid can be used to produce larger than normal plants but is not necessary. Your premixed soil should be well aged. Use one container for the new stuff and pot up out of the other older container of aged soil.
I'm UK based mate, your units of measurement are very confusing. Do you mean Dry, liquid or imperial quarts?
I'm UK based mate, your units of measurement are very confusing. Do you mean Dry, liquid or imperial quarts?
2 parts soil
1 part peat
1 part perlite.
My days of hauling big bags are over so i just make small batches, the bags come in either 16 or 8 qts however they measure a quart of dry peat. If your plants are British I would go with imperial. Over here we just use normal quarts 4 cups to a quart.
well the grams confuse me a little but roughly 4 quarts per gallon.20 L of EWC(castings) is just fine. 5 gallons.

1 gallon= 128 fluid ounces=16 cups=4 quarts=256 TBspoons=768 teaspoons=3.8 liter=3785 mL's..

1mL=1/5th of a Teaspoon or 20 drops of H20..

and you really only need about 20L to 24 or 26 Litres of soil at most( 5-6 gallons or there abouts)

5 gallons or 20L of perlite is fine as well.I tend to use 4 gallons and mix 5-6 of soil then 5-6 of coco coir.Please dont use spagnum peat moss of ANY sort.its acidic slightly and non renewable.but if you do have it already thats fine,just use it up. but coco and soil making 40-48L is fine between the two. then the 16 litres or no more than 20L of perlite. and with the castings ALL combined sould be around 88L i think. 22 gallons or a touch mnore.but not much. and that is a balanced base.NOW you need to add the micro and macro amendments,and in a perfect
world,you would also add a simple inoculate as well. EWC is fine but not as aggressive nor as potent in the short term.left to blend for a few(3 months or more) months ,it'll be just'll grow into a nice inoculate.but a combo or single item such as steer manure and/or bokashi is great.bokashi is also a probiotic for your soil as well,AND your plant.its a micros thing,anyways..

with your base of 88L or so (again the grams throw me atm) ,you can add 1 to 1-1/4 cups of trace element pick up(azomite or similar)

I personally would add 3/4 cups of Sweet lime powder AND a fat 1/2 cups of pellet lime. but thats me. but powdered lime is fine and I would add around again 1 and 1/4 to 1 and a half cups total.all mixed very well ofcourse with drier soil verses wet or it'll clump nasty bad LOL

and the granules might you have a link so I can look at them and the soil? and as for empom I would add right around a cup..1C. and powdered molasses is also a good cheap amendment as well.blends WELL with a good aerated soil. or an aerobic soil rather.

well I suppose that'll do it.I havew a soil building thread..2 actually and a tea thread that you might wanna have a gander at as well. and there are others about that have made and built their own soils from the ground up or have built them off simple single comnpounds like kelp and alfalfa meal and the like. good luck man.
yeah i figured it might,i more ment just dont go buying a block of it.but ya most use it thats why i mix my own without any spag moss additives. just word to the wise for future reference is all bro. but wirth the granules not knowing what they are made of and the like and NPK 's er anything,but Id add a cup or so to start. possibly a lil more. and ofcourse the cal mag n so on as ya grow. but also kind soil is one we're looking at right now and its a nice soil. but thats what id do with the stuffs you got on hand man.

edit: yeah after reading the granules,I would add one cup :D happy growing dude