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There are approx. 5ml per teaspoon. Grow Big says 2-3 teaspoons per gallon every other watering if you’re in soil. At about 4L per Gallon you’re looking at about 1/2 teaspoon per Litre. So, a normal feed would be about 2.5 - 3 ml per Litre. A weak feed would be say 1.25 ml per litre.

I think you’ll find that just getting enough water will make a big difference. There should still be lots of nutrients in the soil to carry that plant for awhile.
Yeah so I had mixing the nutrients all messed up lol. I guess the amount I was putting in wasn’t really enough to do anything. I think I’m gonna start with the 1.25 ml per liter and give it a day or so and see what she does. Thank you for the advice! I’ll throw an updated picture on here in a couple days to see if anything has changed really.
Very good, I’m hoping for some good signs for you. Get her straightened out and you’ll get a harvest from her but it might take a little longer.
Here’s some updated pics. Looking a lot better seems like


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Very good, I’m hoping for some good signs for you. Get her straightened out and you’ll get a harvest from her but it might take a little longer.
Also I got some botanicare CalMag today, what would be a good amount to start with ? The leaves aren’t drooping anymore but are fuller. Still dark with spots, growing forsure though. The nutes didn’t burn any of the newer growth at all. Just the leaves closest to the soil burned
Good stuff! So underwatering was your problem. Do your pots have good drainage? You’ll want to maintain your watering consistently. You’ll need to get a feel for the pot weight to judge how much water is in the soil but I’d say feed with weak nutes every second feed. Keep the volume around the same when watering until the plant gets back on track. Use about 1/4 of the recommended dosage of Calmag until the plant gets going again. Then increase to 1/2 strength.
Good stuff! So underwatering was your problem. Do your pots have good drainage? You’ll want to maintain your watering consistently. You’ll need to get a feel for the pot weight to judge how much water is in the soil but I’d say feed with weak nutes every second feed. Keep the volume around the same when watering until the plant gets back on track. Use about 1/4 of the recommended dosage of Calmag until the plant gets going again. Then increase to 1/2 strength.

this is the only burns that came from it. Any advice on what I should do with this ?


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You can cut off the dying leaves, they won’t repair themselves and they aren’t doing anything for growth. The tips may have been burnt when the plant started drinking. From being dry it will suck up a bunch of water and essentially overdose on nutes causing the tip burn. How does she look now? How much water are you feeding and how often?
You can cut off the dying leaves, they won’t repair themselves and they aren’t doing anything for growth. The tips may have been burnt when the plant started drinking. From being dry it will suck up a bunch of water and essentially overdose on nutes causing the tip burn. How does she look now? How much water are you feeding and how often?

It seems like the burn is getting worse and worse and spreading over the past few days. I’ve been giving 1 liter of water about every 24 hours or so, I usually stick my finger in the soil to see how dry it is first. I’ve been giving nothing but rain water since the leaves started burning


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I’m not entirely sure if it is just the damage running it’s course or not. Another set of eyes with more experience might be good but I do know I’d be looking at new growth and not the old growth for improvement. If new growth is ok then that is the concern now. @Mañ'O'Green ?
I’m not entirely sure if it is just the damage running it’s course or not. Another set of eyes with more experience might be good but I do know I’d be looking at new growth and not the old growth for improvement. If new growth is ok then that is the concern now. @Mañ'O'Green ?
It’s spreading to the new growth now it seems like. It’s also on some of the nodes, and the growth has seemed to slow down a lot


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