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I would also recommend measuring how much water you use each time until you get a feel for what the plant needs. How do you know you stunted her with too much nutes? Also, what kind of soil are you using?
When it was on its second week or so it had a lot of yellowing in the veins so me being new I figured it was a nutrient deficiency or some shit so I gave her a little veg nutes, fried a lot of the leaves almost completely lmao. I just kept it watered and eventually it started growing again. I’m in FF Happy frog soil atm. Using rain water. I mixed 1 ml of veg nutes in a 1/2 gallon of water the other day and poured half of it into the pot, I figured it was a light dosage. There’s not much burn from it on the leaves. They’re still dark and droopy though.
Usually too many nutes will manifest as burnt tips. If you had just given them a little nutes they shouldn’t have fried. What are your temps and humidity? Drooping leaves can happen from over or under watering. If I had to guess you might have been underwatering. When you added the nutes and watered, the plants sucked up a bunch of it. Hard to say from here. Did the leaves feel kind of like paper? Green but crispy?
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Usually too many nutes will manifest as burnt tips. If you had just given them a little nutes they shouldn’t have fried. What are your temps and humidity? Drooping leaves can happen from over or under watering. If I had to guess you might have been underwatering. When you added the nutes and watered, the plants sucked up a bunch of it. Hard to say from here. Did the leaves feel kind of like paper? Green but crispy?
My temperatures are around 73, I usually wait till there’s a good bit of soil like an inch or so till I water. When I gave her a little this time around she didn’t burn any. But nothing improved either. Here’s some pictures I took about 30 mins ago, same spots for about a week now, before and after I fed her the nutrients everything’s still the same also little to no growth in the past week. Hopefully you can tell something from the pictures.


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They’re quite dark green which is fine, they are getting plenty of nitrogen. The damage/spots won’t go away on the old growth. If it’s manifesting on the new growth then you still have a problem. If new growth is good, then problem solved. I would get a moisture probe though,they’re really cheap. If you aren’t watering enough volume then the roots won’t develop properly. The probe will help determine if there is moisture down lower in the pots for the roots to seek out.
They’re quite dark green which is fine, they are getting plenty of nitrogen. The damage/spots won’t go away on the old growth. If it’s manifesting on the new growth then you still have a problem. If new growth is good, then problem solved. I would get a moisture probe though,they’re really cheap. If you aren’t watering enough volume then the roots won’t develop properly. The probe will help determine if there is moisture down lower in the pots for the roots to seek out.
They’re quite dark green which is fine, they are getting plenty of nitrogen. The damage/spots won’t go away on the old growth. If it’s manifesting on the new growth then you still have a problem. If new growth is good, then problem solved. I would get a moisture probe though,they’re really cheap. If you aren’t watering enough volume then the roots won’t develop properly. The probe will help determine if there is moisture down lower in the pots for the roots to seek out.
The new growth is good and the color looks good on it, not as dark and the leaves seem thicker. But they’re still drooping pretty low. Also I’m seeing atleast 1 white pistil on each of the new nodes, idk if that means it’s flowering or not. I know it’ll be a small plant for sure this is day 34 it’s maybe only 5 inches tall, but I did some LST on it the other day and it seems to be responding well bending up towards the light.
FYI, I’m guilty of underwatering on my first grow as I was trying to not overwater. I stunted my plants as a result and they look a bit like yours. How large are your pots? How frequently have you watered?
FYI, I’m guilty of underwatering on my first grow as I was trying to not overwater. I stunted my plants as a result and they look a bit like yours. How large are your pots? How frequently have you watered?
3 gallon pots. I usually water with a spray bottle once a day till there’s a good bit of wet soil. Recently I’ve started pouring it in there though
The pistils are a sign of preflower, autos will still do there thing if they can. At this point I wouldn’t work too hard on the LST. If it were me, I’d just try to get the plant back on track and let it grow naturally. I think you are underwatering if you’ve only now been pouring water into the soil now. Give it a good drink around the edges with say a litre of 1/2 strength nutes and see how she does.
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The pistils are a sign of preflower, autos will still do there thing if they can. At this point I wouldn’t work too hard on the LST. If it were me, I’d just try to get the plant back on track and let it grow naturally. I think you are underwatering if you’ve only now been pouring water into the soil now. Give it a good drink around the edges with say a litre of 1/2 strength nutes and see how she does.
Alright so how many ml of grow big should I mix in a liter of water?
Alright so how many ml of grow big should I mix in a liter of water?
There are approx. 5ml per teaspoon. Grow Big says 2-3 teaspoons per gallon every other watering if you’re in soil. At about 4L per Gallon you’re looking at about 1/2 teaspoon per Litre. So, a normal feed would be about 2.5 - 3 ml per Litre. A weak feed would be say 1.25 ml per litre.

I think you’ll find that just getting enough water will make a big difference. There should still be lots of nutrients in the soil to carry that plant for awhile.
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