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Here’s her leaves now, does this look like a cal mag deficiency?


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Ok then you do not need to worry about chloromines. I would mix distilled water 50/50 with your tap water. Chlorine will evaporate rapidly overnight is more than enough time. Use this as your base until you can test it.

Alright so my Ph up and Ph down came in the mail today. I got the General Hydroponics pack with the little bottle of ph testing stuff. Is this stuff okay to use with my soil grow since it says hydroponics ? ( stupid question I know lol )My ph pen should’ve been here already but I guess there’s a delay. Would I have been better off getting a meter for testing soil Ph instead of the water? or does it really matter.
It can be helpful to have an in soil pH meter but I’d rather have a pH meter to test my nutes before going in to the soil. Yes, your pH up and down is good to go for soil even though it says hydroponics. It’s not a stupid question. I’m not sure what the deficiency or excess is in your grow but if I had to guess, pH will be your problem. Once we know pH of nutes and soil it will give a bit of direction of how to correct your problem.
It can be helpful to have an in soil pH meter but I’d rather have a pH meter to test my nutes before going in to the soil. Yes, your pH up and down is good to go for soil even though it says hydroponics. It’s not a stupid question. I’m not sure what the deficiency or excess is in your grow but if I had to guess, pH will be your problem. Once we know pH of nutes and soil it will give a bit of direction of how to correct your problem.

Alright cool thought I bought the wrong stuff for a second lol. I filled the little jar up with the rain water I’ve been using and the color seemed to me kinda a lighter green, according to the bottle thatd put it in between like 6.6 an 6. Just going off what I think the color looks like. Hopefully I get it all sorted out. Here’s some updated pictures, looks to me like the NL is going into flower, so I mixed like 3 drops of bloom nutes in a 1/2 liter of water, didn’t burn at all from it and actually brought some of the dank smell back to the plant. Should I skip feeding next watering ? my Tangerine dream isn’t really doing much of anything, just growing but at a slow rate.


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Alright so my Ph up and Ph down came in the mail today. I got the General Hydroponics pack with the little bottle of ph testing stuff. Is this stuff okay to use with my soil grow since it says hydroponics ? ( stupid question I know lol )My ph pen should’ve been here already but I guess there’s a delay. Would I have been better off getting a meter for testing soil Ph instead of the water? or does it really matter.

The goal at this point is to know the PH of the fertigation. 5.8 for hydro and 6.5 for soil.

Alright cool thought I bought the wrong stuff for a second lol. I filled the little jar up with the rain water I’ve been using and the color seemed to me kinda a lighter green, according to the bottle thatd put it in between like 6.6 an 6. Just going off what I think the color looks like. Hopefully I get it all sorted out. Here’s some updated pictures, looks to me like the NL is going into flower, so I mixed like 3 drops of bloom nutes in a 1/2 liter of water, didn’t burn at all from it and actually brought some of the dank smell back to the plant. Should I skip feeding next watering ? my Tangerine dream isn’t really doing much of anything, just growing but at a slow rate.

So this is the major weakness in liquid/litmus testing, color is in the eye of the beholder. It is way better than not testing at all! Mixing really small batches of nutrients is difficult especially getting the PH dialed in. One drop of PH down may move .5L a lot and have far less action on 1 gallon. So I recommend mixing at least a gallon. PH down has a less pronounced effect. You do not want to Yo Yo back and forth using up and down. Make small adjustments to the nutrients. Keep track of how much it takes to get to where you want. It will be easier to jump close the next time.

3 drops? what does the vendor say to use in .5L? Always use a vendors entire line and nothing else. Follow the directions. There are some exceptions to that idea but you have a lot to learn before you go there. I am assuming you are using Fox Farms?

There are 3 needed parts to the Fox Farm Nutrients. Those in the green area of the chart.They work together to provide a balance of nutrients to the plants. Balance is the key idea here. If one nutrient gets to high in the root zone the ability for the plant to uptake some other needed nutrients can be blocked or inhibited.

This is the soil chart:
ScreenHunter_193 May. 21 20.09.jpg
Based on this chart you need 3 tsp of Big Bloom, 2 tsp. of Grow Big and 2 tsp. of Tiger Bloom in week 5 for 1 gallon of nutrient water. You need all 3 products in the green area. the rest are optional but will grow better crops in the long run.

7tsp. = 34.5 ml x 20 (drops per ml) or 690 drops per gallon / 3.785 = 180 drops per liter.

That said, I think they feed too heavy for autos grown indoors so I would top out at 80% of this chart. If you need help with the math let me know. I have to admit to fu#@$ up the math in my own grows more than once:haha:.
The goal at this point is to know the PH of the fertigation. 5.8 for hydro and 6.5 for soil.

So this is the major weakness in liquid/litmus testing, color is in the eye of the beholder. It is way better than not testing at all! Mixing really small batches of nutrients is difficult especially getting the PH dialed in. One drop of PH down may move .5L a lot and have far less action on 1 gallon. So I recommend mixing at least a gallon. PH down has a less pronounced effect. You do not want to Yo Yo back and forth using up and down. Make small adjustments to the nutrients. Keep track of how much it takes to get to where you want. It will be easier to jump close the next time.

3 drops? what does the vendor say to use in .5L? Always use a vendors entire line and nothing else. Follow the directions. There are some exceptions to that idea but you have a lot to learn before you go there. I am assuming you are using Fox Farms?

There are 3 needed parts to the Fox Farm Nutrients. Those in the green area of the chart.They work together to provide a balance of nutrients to the plants. Balance is the key idea here. If one nutrient gets to high in the root zone the ability for the plant to uptake some other needed nutrients can be blocked or inhibited.

This is the soil chart:
View attachment 1062232 Based on this chart you need 3 tsp of Big Bloom, 2 tsp. of Grow Big and 2 tsp. of Tiger Bloom in week 5 for 1 gallon of nutrient water. You need all 3 products in the green area. the rest are optional but will grow better crops in the long run.

7tsp. = 34.5 ml x 20 (drops per ml) or 690 drops per gallon / 3.785 = 180 drops per liter.

That said, I think they feed too heavy for autos grown indoors so I would top out at 80% of this chart. If you need help with the math let me know. I have to admit to fu#@$ up the math in my own grows more than once:haha:.

Alright so my meter came in, I only had enough for one of those cheap ones atm. But I’m hoping it’ll put me somewhere In the right direction. I calibrated it and tested the ph of my water and it said 7.0 for the rain water. A few days before I collected some run off and tested it with the liquid kit before I had my pen and it looked like somewhere in the 5s. Yes I’m using the fox farm trio, I’m only in 3 gallon pots so if I mix up a gallon batch of water and nutes and I only use say a liter to water with, can I just let the rest of the mix set and Ph it whenever it comes time to water again if needed? Or do I have to mix a fresh batch everytime.
Alright so my meter came in, I only had enough for one of those cheap ones atm. But I’m hoping it’ll put me somewhere In the right direction. I calibrated it and tested the ph of my water and it said 7.0 for the rain water. A few days before I collected some run off and tested it with the liquid kit before I had my pen and it looked like somewhere in the 5s. Yes I’m using the fox farm trio, I’m only in 3 gallon pots so if I mix up a gallon batch of water and nutes and I only use say a liter to water with, can I just let the rest of the mix set and Ph it whenever it comes time to water again if needed? Or do I have to mix a fresh batch everytime.
You can mix up your nutes and use them over a few days I think. It would probably help if you use an air stone to keep the nutes oxygenated but also moving so it doesn’t go stagnant in a bucket. I try to estimate how much water I need to get me through a few days and mix up that amount as needed.
Alright so my meter came in, I only had enough for one of those cheap ones atm. But I’m hoping it’ll put me somewhere In the right direction. I calibrated it and tested the ph of my water and it said 7.0 for the rain water. A few days before I collected some run off and tested it with the liquid kit before I had my pen and it looked like somewhere in the 5s. Yes I’m using the fox farm trio, I’m only in 3 gallon pots so if I mix up a gallon batch of water and nutes and I only use say a liter to water with, can I just let the rest of the mix set and Ph it whenever it comes time to water again if needed? Or do I have to mix a fresh batch everytime.

You can mix them ahead of time and with a little aeration keeping them 10 days is no problem. I am wondering how you water because 3 gallon pots are going to need a lot more than a liter to be well watered to a small bit of run-off say 10%?
You can mix them ahead of time and with a little aeration keeping them 10 days is no problem. I am wondering how you water because 3 gallon pots are going to need a lot more than a liter to be well watered to a small bit of run-off say 10%?
Alright cool, so I’ll start just doing it a gallon at a time now. How many mL per gallon do you recommend and also how much water at a time? I haven’t usually been watering till runoff everytime. I don’t know much about it and I wanted to prevent over watering lol. Should I just go ahead and start watering till run off everytime ? Here’s a picture of her this morning
Do you see the chart above? 1 tsp = 5ml . Based on this chart you need 3 tsp (15ml) of Big Bloom, 2 tsp. (10ml) of Grow Big and 2 tsp. (10ml) of Tiger Bloom in week 5 for 1 gallon of nutrient water. Up to twice a week. other times just use PHed water.
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