Lighting All LED Indoor Grow- Quantum Boards vs AutoCob's


Thanks again for great service. The freebies are labeled "triangle", is this a new strain or is this "alien vs triangle"? Thanks just looking for info on what I have is all :biggrin:

Disregard found it on the website my apologies. Can't wait to get these skywalkers started.
Was able to sneak in today the male and the clones all look good. Keeping it short tonight but i tied back the narcotic Kush to spread her for the light will leave the lights at the current height for a day and assess before trying to lower them.


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Time for an update.

The [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] pots are in, the Tupur is in, and cuts and seeds progressing...........

Put my (4) Blue Harley beans in jiffy pots of dirt today along with my (6) Skywalker Auto seeds from Mephisto.

The Mephisto is the next run for both tents while I veg and take cuts from the GG#4, the SBA, the Purple Envy, and Hopefully I get a female from the Blue Harley's.


Here's a shot of the veg closet, one each of the GG#4 cuts and SBA is on beast mode. And the satori male wow this guy does not stop lol.........


And a couple shots of the Narcotic Kush getting excited about this girl the smells and the frost oh my.........


I know the male looks hungry, he's hit some type of growth spurt and I cannot keep up will need to take cuts from him soon. But he will be fine.

Also, my secret project was a success. Only one person called me out on the pictures of the chemdogging looking like it might have seeds and I was playing it off. I did allow a few sacs that popped out on the male in veg burst in the tent with the Chemdogging. My first couple of test nugs had no seeds but the smoke was great and smooth. The other night I grabbed another tester and it had beans, nice beautiful Tiger Striped seeds like one would buy from a top quality seed bank. So I have successfully done my first cross (as far as making seeds now we have to see what they produce). Calling it Doggie Dreams (Satori X Chemdogging) in honor of my girls who were here visiting while this was going on. I will see upon final trim how many beans I got but I expect a lot. I will start running through these little by little to see what I get. So damn excited. There should be a mess of stuff in the seeds, auto and non auto males and females oh what fun to pheno hunt.

I think that's all I'm dead tired had my kids for a week (3) they left today which makes me sad but xmas will come soon enough when I can see them again.

Thanks for checking in
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Strain [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is almost with us, I yanked a nice fat tiger stripped seed from the top of one of the cola's on the narcotic kush. This is Satori X Narcotic Kush, still need to name it. I am expecting some strong meds from this can't wait to grow this out. :pighug:
Nothing too major today, the GG#4 transplant seems to be adjusting well to her new [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] of Tupur. The rest of the cuts look healthy. I cleaned up my 3x3 with the QB that has been down and put my Satori male in there as there have been complaints of smell in the basement lol.

As for my seeds so far today (1) Blue Harley and (2) Skywalker were poppin through the dirt in the jiffy cups. Time to see what sprouts and what doesn't.......

I did some general housekeeping stuff that needed to be done and also sprayed my Captain Jack's Deadbug today on everything in veg and the male in his new spot.

Garden update for tonight. More general house keeping I made the commitment to Tupur tonight as I tossed out all my dirt not being used makes me nervous some of that was my own mix used for no till........

This is an attempt to help control smell as there won't be dirt lying around with decomposing fan leaves on the top etc.

Anyways, I topped off the narcotic Kush with plain water and tied back one cola out of the way of another and rotated her as well. She should be done soon don't want to rush it and not let seeds mature ......if I had not pollinated her I feel she would have given me the four zips I wanted. Happy I chose her as a mom.




My satori male is growing back nicely after the defol but a little pale and hungry. I had let him dry out real good. He got watered and fed tonight as well as a foliar feed. So did the plants in the veg closet.


Tonight the feed was: source water (EC 0.2), full power @ 20ml/gallon, Ionic grow @ 4 teaspoons/gallon, and the cal mag from nectar of the gods @ 1 teaspoon/gallon. I PH'd to 6.4 and the EC was 2.0. EC spiked because of cal mag product and twice the feed of last time. They all looked hungry today and this is what I felt was the proper course of action.

The veg closet is looking good. I have two Skywalkers sprouted so far as well as a Blue Harley and one of my Doggie Dreams is popping through. We shall see how the seeds keep progressing. My two clones of SBA and one other GG#4 that are in [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] pots could use an up pot soon but I want to wait on the Skywalker autos first to make sure I have enough tupur. I still have some ffof I can use for the clones if need be but want to make sure the entire Skywalker run is Tupur to keep it consistent between both tents.


And last but not last a shot of the chemdogging still curing in the bucket with the boveda pack. Looking through quickly not all the smaller buds have seeds so I pulled one for a smoke tonight and I'm in heaven wow this is good especially for a seeded plant. First time having chem dawg of any kind and now I see why people like it so much.



I need to go through this now little by little and harvest my seeds as there's the narcotic Kush finishing that will be seeds as well. But got all the other miscellaneous out of the way feels good to be caught up and tidying up after getting backed up due to guest here.

Thanks for checking in
I'm so excited last beans to go down and among the first to pop the soil. My (2) Doggie Dreams (Satori x Chemdogging) Seeds have sprouted! Hope one is a girl, or even better an auto fem :frog:


Still waiting of (3) of the (6) Sky walkers to pop and I got one of the (4) Blue Harley's popped so far

Man them cobs look fookin awesome- might convince me better half to get 2 tents runnin - dependin on price n lecky usage- l live in hope- can any one give me a rough idea on lightin up 2 4x4 tents and lecky usage- would be very grateful