Lighting All LED Indoor Grow- Quantum Boards vs AutoCob's

Hope you get it all sorted out and back to being happy!! Good vibes bro :pass:

Thanks bud, it''s not the end of the world and most people would see no issue but I know what m,y plants are like at 100% and we are not there right now something is off and I am narrowed down to 2 things we shall see.

This is what I am use to before going to flower, my old veg tent over grown with the 600 watt Blue MH............

I think the plants heard trouble in the air lol. Went to the garden to do my watering tonight. The girls in the COB tent had bushed out a bit more. One was getting a little yellow shes hungry. So today as much as it killed me I put nutes in the res with the water. They got Ionic grow, epsom salt, and ful-power. The Narcotic Kush is looking beautiful and it looks like she started a second round of budding? I gave her ionic grow, epsom salt, ful-power, and Hydroplex. The cloner was good but it looks like I'm going to lose a few more cuts, good thing I took a lot more than needed. The two GG#4 clones are adjusting to the 1 gallon pots and the Satori male looks like a beast and his roots are coming out of the [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] pot already man I got lucky picking my first keeper dude lol. The girls under the QB were sleeping in the am they will get the same feed the Narcotic Kush got tonight. It's time for daddy to take over the grow and get the plants where he wants them because if not I will chop all four of these girls and just wait until her clones get big enough to flower no biggie to me. I hate wasting time and resources on subpar plants, we will see how things progress this week. Will get pics tomorrow or the next day only snapped a couple of the Narcotic Kush tonight only thing worth looking at right now anyways.

Under the COB's and getting purps again lol this is what 3rd no fourth plant to start purpling on the tops under the COB's........

This was grown under the AutoCob's:

Ok guys deep blue C in hydro, finished fast (53 days-5gal DWC bucket) She was not huge but the smoke is out of this world and I got 1.91 Zips after having smoked a good bit of it already, had a blunt of it just today. I'm curious what the final yield will be with her bigger sister in soil, will get some better bud shots up tomorrow when I have better lighting

I chopped down the big girls I don't flower sick plants waste of time for the plant and the grower IMO if they were still vegging I would deal with but a flowering plant.............

So I will watch the thread for input, but I'm thinking of an all auto run QB vs COB while we wait on cuts to veg? Then it won't be a waste of time not growing flower while the GG#4 and SBA cuts and the new seeds veg out?

So all auto QB vs COB? Yay? Nay?