Outdoor AK Greenhouse Grow

I'll get on it with the updates, I'll get some better pics posted. One thing is for sure, that Onyx, whenever it is done is gonna have a shit ton of bud!

yeah, I hear you on the control issue. It has been a 'letting go' experiment for me. . Ironically I am a control freak on the veggies in there, I want serious poundage of tomatoes to can.

Dropping beans for Mephisto Deep Blue C for my next indoor/led grow this week. . .
Sweet, I just got a Mephisto variety pack. I don't know what strains they are but from what I have seen, Mephisto has some great genetics so I am sure they will all be great.
Ha! yeah, I have neglected this journal a bit . . and perhaps the grow as well. Not sure. I have certainly paid closer attention to the grow in my garage and the veggies in the greenhouse. I guess this has been a bit of an experiment. One lesson is that while it gets hot in the greenhouse, now that the tomatoes are going CRAZY, the Frisian Dew are battling for access to light. Combine that with a strong stretch back to cloudy weather and they are a bit stretched out. That said, the older FD has some beautiful, purple buds developing.

First, a view of the greenhouse and all its tomato glory! (we need to trim back again).

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Here are the Frisian Dew. At this point they are about 60 days and 45 days respectively. They younger FD has yet to really show any buds lately, but you can see the buds forming nicely (albeit slowly) on the older FD. What is obvious is that they stretched really tall finding the light through all the other plants in the greenhouse.

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And. . . then. . . there is the Onyx passed along from @DarshAK. this one is a mystery to me. Again, Darsh harvested her sister (grown indoors) weeks ago. Every time I think this Onyx is going to stop growing vertical and start really packing on the weight, she adds 2-4 inches!

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So, lesson from my greenhouse. Edible fruit, absolutely going bananas. Special ladies, they are tall, leggy and lanky, but looking promising (Frisian Dew), if not behaving a bit oddly (Onyx). They are, however, all very, very healthy.
Nice man! My greenhouse plants are stretching like crazy also, I never got around to starting a journal so I got nothing to show. Thought I was doing something wrong!! I guess it is the long days! Just letting mine go on there own as well. Good luck man.
That is an interesting point, Chicken. What impact does the long Alaskan day have on the growth of the plant? The sun covers a greater distance, much slower, but it's (mostly) always light. That is different than a grow light on for 18-20 hours directly in one spot over the plant. I'd be curious to hear from others about the stretch we're seeing in these plants for outdoor/greenhouse grows. Is that normal?

Too bad on the journal, I'd love to see some pics. Feel free to throw them up here for conversation sake!
Amazing green house! Love both your grow projects! Just proves the adage that stoners are lazy just ain't true, you have put in a whole heap of work here respect. How's the Onyx,what a beast.
Thanks for the compliments Bunny. As a newbie to this, it is always appreciated - especially from growers who grow like you do!! Yeah, I would love to be lazy, but there's too much crap to get done in the day, particularly if I want to fishing or play music on the weekends!

That Onyx is an odd beast. She's gotta be over 100 days at this point. I think she is in tune with the season and will go a long time, stretch it out til late summer, pack on the buds and be a haul when she's good and ready. For now, I am just letting her do her thing, making sure she is well fed and happy.
don't know anything about the stretching. maybe just the location from the sun? either way, everything in the greenhouse looks great. I'm loving the way that FD is coloring up.
Thanks elsamurai! Yeah, I am a big fan of the purple on the FD. She really is beautiful.

So, Darsh and I did the math today and the Onyx sprouted on March 14, making her around 120 days old!!!! That what I call taking her sweet time!
Here is a few pics of my blue streak 2 in the greenhouse my wife took the other day. I think I'm gonna cut the bottoms out of the pots there in now and stick them into a larger pot when I get home. Interesting enough my male plant I put outside 3 weeks ago is not stretching at all and looks stout and fantastic