Outdoor AK Greenhouse Grow

Anytime Snowchicken! They look great in there. Definitely more stretched. They're acting a lot like mine are in the greenhouse. But, they're certainly good and healthy.

How old are they?

I like that greenhouse space too. Your 'maters are looking solid there in the back, for sure!
Ya them tomatoes are doing great, I feed them the leftovers from my ladies and they seem to like it! I planted around 5/10 and and germinated/grew them indoors till the first true leaves, they have been in the greenhouse since 5/20. I also have a sour spyder and another LowRyder 2 in there about 3 weeks along so I will be interested to see if they stretch out in the same manner?
This Onyx just keeps on growing!!



And, the Frisian Dew is looking beautiful!


I'll get some pics up tomorrow, but I think that one of the Frisian Dews is ready to come down, or awfully close.
Here are a few pics of the Frisian Dew.

I'm curious for some input on this one. Based on my other grow and the thread on when to harvest, I would say that given how green all the leaves are, I would say this girl has a ways to go. . . But all the pistils are red for sure. Personally I would love to see a little more weight put on these buds, but they do look good. This gal is 84 days old.

Any thoughts? Advice?



Also here is the other FD, she's about 70 days old. Taking way longer. She is also WAY taller at about 7 ft!! She did some stretching as you can see.



And this week our tomatoes are starting to pop like crazy. We planted smaller varieties to compensate for the cooler temps in AK and shorter growing season. This choice seems to be a wise one:

Give it another week or two I bet she packs on a bunch of weight!
Noooo. . . .

My beautiful Frisian dew has fallen victim to some serious mold and rot. Almost appeared instantaneously, overnight. I posted the above post two days ago and looked at her yesterday and shit was bad, so very bad . . . uggh. . so MAD! So sad! Crying uncontrollably.

I was able to trim out the bad sections and can salvage some of the plant. But it is ugly for sure. Here are a few pics:


Here is the now butchered cola .

Going into the summer, I knew I would be learning some lessons - serious lessons. With hydro-grow towers holding 10 gallons of water each, and some 25 plus tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, it is clear that there is some humidity in the greenhouse. It's been damp lately and the lesson I have learned is I need more air movement in there.

The odd thing is the other Firsian Dew and the 160 day old Onyx look great. I will be keeping a close eye on them both and perhaps moving them out of the greenhouse. I am installing a fan and vent today to help air move more effectively, but it is crowded and there's lots of plant life in there.

On the upside we've got tomatoes starting to ripen with serious abundance!


Lesson learned, but shit I am so sad and mad. She was so beautiful. .
That's really to bad to hear about your Frisian dew molding....I was under the assumption that the Frisian was pretty mold resistant. I have a frisian photo outdoors right now in preflower. Good luck, hopefully the mold will stop for you!
Man that makes me nervous, I am leaving town in a week for about ten days and my neighbor is taking care of the greenhouse. My blue streaks are really fattening up and should be done when I arrive home but I'm sure my neighbor has no clue about mold or anything, didn't think it could come on that fast. Well I got my fingers crossed and am terribly sorry about your plant. She was beautiful but at least you saved some of her.