Indoor Air pots

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I picked up some 3 liter and 2 gallon airpots to try. Also got some smart pots 2,3, and 5 gallon. Check out some of fullduplexs stuff. It should ease yOur mind abOut small pots.
Thanks for the feedback.

So, you're sayin 5L is enough? The airpots are supposed to help build a superior root zone, but I'm worried the 1.5 gal won't allow the tap root to grow long enough. (I noticed you are going with the 2 and 3 gal.)

Anyone have any experience, first or secondhand, with these Superoot Airpots?(Fullduplex is.....another member here? With airpot experience?)

I'm new here, but trying to avoid asking similar questions. If there's a good thread on this, kindly point me in the right direction....

Airpots are a bit taller than most 6L pots. I wouldn't worry so much about the tap root. The air pot was developed to help plants that are difficult to grow in containers, evergreens ect.

I think 1.5 is PERFECT! I use 2 gal grow bags. And most autos don't fill the whole pot, not completely anyhow. With the air pruning of the airpot there should be a healthy root mass in there. Personally i was going to use some 1gal ones, do an AF SOG.

Yep FullDuplex is a mod around here. He grows in 6inch pots i don't remember what gal they are. But he gets some crazy yields from those small pots. My 35gram ICU was grown in a 2gal grow bag.

Not sure we have a good thread on airpots, so if you are planning on making a journal. We'd sure follow along.
Am using 3 and 6 liter, will do root pics in 2 weeks when chopping.
some thing i have found are, watering is a nightmare, if dunking make sure that they are well packed as you can get washout. watering from top can take ages, do it a little at a time let it soak in then repeat they are about done when you get run off from bottom 2 holes, can take 30 + minutes!
good luck
If you get too much drying out drop them inside a container just about .5 to an 1" around space. So you get the air effect without the moisture evaporating out by the moving air. It creates a Safe zone around the pot. You could even allow for a little water at the Bottom of the exterior pot that might wick a bit.

If you look closely you'll notice I did a few pots this way to try this. I was gettign over drying of the soil without the outter pot.
I'd say it did work pretty good if you notice the size difference in the plants in verses just strait in potted soil. I also filled bottom of outter pot with soil to retain moisture in the bottom that the later roots used as well and found a ton of fine hair roots in it after I finished.
Thanks for the feedback.

@Bailer.....Certainly will do a grow Journal. What section is best to post it?

@gg.....Thanks for the headsup. Are you using a particularly dense soil mix or is there something special about these pots that inhibits water absorption? (I'm using a 50% soil, 50% vermiculite/perlite mix.....very light and airy).

In regards to that, couple air pot questions.
-Any problems with base runoff? (I noticed the bottom looks pretty porous).
-As the roots are air pruned and the pots are porous, any recommended soil mix? (Or just go with the present mix).

Inside--Gonna be growing some LowRider2, Mi5, and EZ Rider.
Outside--All 3 of Stitchs Flash Seed SUPER autos--Annapurna, Nirvana Sky, and Number One.
Super excited! Love the short turnaround on these Autos! (never seen the Super Autos yet, longer, but heard the yield can be outstanding)

Gonna be a busy summer!

Thanks again!
for the sake of keeping things organized you could do 2 different threads. One for the indoor one for the outdoor.

If you wanted to call it the AF air pot test, One thread for all of them in the general AF discussion thread would work too. In the end what ever you want contribute is appreciated.

As i was reading peoples replies i was wondering if lava rock on the bottom would help prevent soil from washing away?