Well this current run of mine is the wrost I've had in 4 years of growing, my first grow started out better!
I've had nothing but dramas in my tent-
Knocking the plant over
Slow growth caused by cold temps
Topping didn't really work
Mildew from cold temps
Nute burn
Twice now it's had 18/6 not 12/12 timer issues
And just found some type of bug last night
Not to mention my auto that's growing right beside my ladyburn, not even 4 inch tall and we're at day 35! So this run is just making me want to rip these fuckers out and start again grr!

Well this current run of mine is the wrost I've had in 4 years of growing, my first grow started out better!
I've had nothing but dramas in my tent-
Knocking the plant over
Slow growth caused by cold temps
Topping didn't really work
Mildew from cold temps
Nute burn
Twice now it's had 18/6 not 12/12 timer issues
And just found some type of bug last night
Not to mention my auto that's growing right beside my ladyburn, not even 4 inch tall and we're at day 35! So this run is just making me want to rip these fuckers out and start again grr!

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I found flies. Probably fungus gnats.
I kill'em with hydrogen peroxide.
Are you referring to my plant? If so thanks for checking that out man, seriously appreciate that!
No, in my plant. You can spray with some H2O2. It's my first choise before I use my hardcore pesticides.
Plenty of flies yesterday. Just a few today after peroxide shower.
How the hell do you manage flies in the grow space? What is it they are attracted to? Lol that's a new one for me.
I'm yet to figure out what bugs I have, they just look like black dots, there so tiny!
Fungus gnats is easy...H2O2 or diatomaciuous earth gets rid of it.
My biggest problem is spider mites. They arw difficult bastards to get rid of. I will use predator mites in my August grow, to make sure they are gone. They may escspe the nerve agents I use and develop resistance aganist pesticides. I don't want super mites!
Fungus gnats is easy...H2O2 or diatomaciuous earth gets rid of it.
My biggest problem is spider mites. They arw difficult bastards to get rid of. I will use predator mites in my August grow, to make sure they are gone. They may escspe the nerve agents I use and develop resistance aganist pesticides. I don't want super mites!
Just quickly googled spider mites, I think that's what I have, but I don't see any webbing, is neem oil affective on these mites?
Just quickly googled spider mites, I think that's what I have, but I don't see any webbing, is neem oil affective on these mites?
No web is good! Neem ASAP!
When the webs appear, situation is bad.

There is also a useful product from BAC. I'll find the name for you.