#AFN Indoor Grow Battle

This comp had a bit of a shaky start, but in backtracking all the post to get all the names/potential participants, i seen the 30 day rule::;;; at the 30 day mark, the plant that will compete till the end,must be chosen .. What this will do is allow any competitor that are growing reg/non fem seeds(like me) to pick a female plant after the males have shown sex,, that day will be JUNE 22 for EVERYBODY, i realize that some plants are ahead or behind others, so these minor rules will even the field out somewhat.. Hope that helps...
Thank you very much for clearing this up. Looking forward to seeing everyones plants.

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F6 amigo, yes you are now officially entered into this grow challenge.. ATTENTION Grow Battle Participants!!!! The competition is now under way and the window to enter is now Officially closed.. Hey @Ripper , if you dont mind, i am offering to lend a hand and help oversee this grow battle, which will free you up to create more battles,, lemme know so i can start lining up some prizes... I was thinking that the loser should get the winners gear to grow with..sound like a good idea @Mossy ?... Bwahahaha.. Lemme hear some noise people
Be my guest bud
Im in with a mephisto northern cheese haze she's at day 9 I believe. @budelee

This is her at day 6
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Alright everybody heres what i need to know.......Confirmation that you are in the comp or not... any questions,feel free to ask. @markpaddack @Coffee&Kush @nizmoKush @Yeatster @Stoner Smurf @IceWater421 @GanjaGuinea @Ribbzzy @NebulaNuggets @Only1Sky @IzzyTheGrower @Prophetiko @jingo @Ash-a-Ton @Dmrides220 @dankstyle J @The Plant Whisperer ....give us a quick update of strain and age,with a picture(i know most of you have already,work with me),.....I am guessing the "window of competition" should be 90 days/or end of August which will set the stage for the second round to start in September...Plan now to get into that one as well !! @Ripper will confirm this info
@budelee i'm in pal, my Blackberry Kush, Dutch Passion, day 17 (saturday)

Im in till the end,
Strain history,Fast buds Green Crack,Fast Buds northern express.Took these plants and reversed the green crack cause it was the most promising of the group of 12,Than i pollinated the northern cause it was the second best looking plant i had.the colors,smells,everything about it was good.So i got over 500 seeds all female autos.popped some in water than into jiffy pellets and here they are at 8 days old today.Ill have the one i want to enter chosen.All my DWC buckets are numbered so ill pick the best one and enter that one.
Taison auto Vip seeds (purple kush) the one I have decided to enter is growing in my own mix of living coco choir,growing 2more in organic soil I mixed so far so good,my friend trail animal said this strain is very narcotic one of the most narcotic he's grown well I decided I needed at least 3 going lol.
Alright everybody heres what i need to know.......Confirmation that you are in the comp or not... ....give us a quick update of strain and age,with a picture(i know most of you have already,work with me),.
@budelee - Yep, I'm still in the game. I was hoping to develop a trio of dental hygienists to choose from (Sweet Tooth, Toof Decay and Toofless Alien), but my six attempts to germinate the Mephisto seeds all failed. So I'm marching on with just Barneys Farm Sweet Tooth. She is on day 17 in an AutoPot with BioTabs under an Amare SE450.

The Sweet Tooth is in the back right pot. The two on the left are Fastbuds GSCs that are contenders over in the Fastbuds Grow Battle II thread. Cheers all.