#AFN Indoor Grow Battle

Here she is at day 18. I'm getting some slight curling on the edges of some of the leaves? I've been looking around and I haven't found anything that matches mine, any ideas? Other than that she's doing great, outpacing my other plants by almost double. Here's a couple pics and a family photo lol.
Haha. Cool I'll try raising the light a bit. Thanks man
I wouldn't raise it just put a fan blowing light breeze.works really good.if that doesn't work than raise light.
I use an app on my phone android.it's a lux meter and I know where to put my lights using it.it works really good.I try and keep them around 40,000 lux on plants 3 weeks and older.I notice anything below 20,000 they will start to stretch a little.
I guess the app uses your light sensor in the phones camera to tell how intense light is.I use it on regular and it really works good
Under a 8 bulb t5 at 10 inche's I get about 25,000 lux so that will give u a good idea.and I get 40,000 lux 20 inches under a 1000watt hid
50,000 under an hps at 20 inches..
Also good to know when your lights are going bad
Day 6 [HASHTAG]#mephisto[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#nch[/HASHTAG]

She was fed today Botanicare kind base and grow @ 1/8 tsp to 1lt of water and armor si. She also has had a spray of [HASHTAG]#optic foliar[/HASHTAG] overgrow @opticfoliar and so far so good.
Here they are at 7days after i changed the res tonight.I have 2 more i sprouted off to the side in roots organic with all the goodies but the comparison compared to water chilled recirc is none.The dwc beats em out every time no matter what i do or add.all were sprouted at the same time under the same lights.I started them in airpots for my brother.Its easy to cut the zip tie and unwrap the pot without disturbing the roots.easiest way i found to transplant autos without shock.I dont grow in airpots.they dry out way to fast for my taste but they are perfect for first couple weeks to get the root mass real nice and big.This is just my opinion and not set in stone.I see plenty of people grow in air pots but there just not for me.those 2 dirt plants will go outside at his house.and are not in this competition.His wife is flat out in love with this northern lights strain.I like em cause northern lights are famous for getting big.Anything with NL or skunk [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] gonna be big plants.
Anyway i see some promising contenders in this competition so this will be fun.
these are the most consistent autos ive sprouted to day well see if they stay this way.

couple in dirt off to the side.
Update time
the first four to pop include these two Portal Regs, maybe therrd a male in there.. They look pissed at the soil i have them in... I still have some germing, i dont wanna give up on em this early
Was there any mention of prizes??