Indoor AB Fills the Tent!

Fatpants must be the worst name ever for such an elegant lady. Audrey Hepburn or Vivien Leigh would be much more appropriate.
I would have said Hedy Lamarr but even I'm not that old.
Nice work bruv, eP.
That's Headley!
Your gettin on quite nicely Andy!! Looks real good in the tent!!!
Thanks for the kind words, everyone! The SMR is a good looking gal & I really love the WOS strains so I can't wait until she's jarred up. As for the Magic Dragon, no doubt she's the best looking one in the tent. Any time I grow Mossy's gear it ends up being the most beautiful girl in the tent. I've told her before that her strains would fit right in with all the other flowers at a botanical garden with all the colors they show. And fatpants is nothing but a term of endearment - I like a little junk in the trunk (boot?) as much as the next guy. :roflcry:
Don't think so. Its deffo Hedy Lamarr. (GrandaddyP said he "did" her once, or twice!) lol eP.

Joke....Blazing Saddles

Headley Lamarr

Hijack over, Carry on, AB :)
Hey everyone, I've finally gotten my camera replaced and found the time to do an update. We're into week 11 and I'm really eager to begin chopping these girls. Still a ways to go but the buds are swelling and the girls are getting that worn out, pre-harvest look. Ah, who am I kidding? These girls have been looking like they were rode hard and put up wet for most of this grow. :pimp: All the plants are chowing down on all the food I can give them, so I've bumped up the dose several times. Late in flower seems to be where the GO nutes let me down, as it seems like things just run out of gas no matter how much I'm feeding. But the great flavor & ease of not pHing my nutes throughout the grow offsets any late deficiencies. Now that I have the soil pH tester I am strongly considering moving back to synthetic nutes next time.

Last week I finally was able to move into my new tent, a Secret Jardin DR-90:


It's 3'x3' and gives a much better light distribution with the HPS hood. Plus it's a foot taller so I'm no longer forced to fry the top of the tallest plants. :stoneslap: I ended up buying a new 440cfm fan and a carbon filter the size of Texas & barely got it to fit in there, but everything is good to go. My old 4'x2' tent still has the smaller fan and filter inside so it will be used for drying and possibly in the future as a veg tent with the T5HO fixture. So the environment is in good shape other than the humidity shooting up near 70 on rainy days, which is giving me heartburn with it being so late in flower. I simply have no room for a standard dehumidifier nor do I want to spend much more money on this grow, so I'm making due with Damp Rid crystals and I've ordered a mini dehumidifier which will hopefully help a bit. It annoys me because at my last house I had a space that tended to be hot and dry during summer, and now I am dealing with cool and moist conditions. I'm glad to not be fighting heat, but unchecked humidity is even worse. But I did used to grow outdoors in Florida where it was always humid and never had mold, so I'm optimistic. I have an oscillating fan going 24/7 & I think the air movement is keeping things straight for the time being. Fingers crossed that I can ride this out for a few more weeks. On to some pics of the gang:

Day 73

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Magnum - She's started to pack on some weight recently and has developed a very pungent skunky odor. Hopefully she'll keep filling out her frame for a few more weeks and all those side buds will fatten up.

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Think Different - She's moving along pretty quickly and the buds are starting to harden up. Very fruity smell and really sticky with resin.

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White Widow - She's got some of the most dense bud I've ever grown and is certainly making the most of her short stature. Lots of cloudy trichs so she'll be the first to chop before too much longer. Similar fruity smell to the TD and dripping with trichs from top to bottom.

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Cobra - She kept on stretching to about 33" tall and is finally starting to build some bud sites. Who knows how long this one will take to finish but I'm expecting an excellent yield from the three huge colas.

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Sugar Mango Ryder - She's finally developed that sweet, fruity smell that I have been waiting for, and the buds are beginning to harden up nicely. I see a few cloudy trichs near the top, so I need her to really thicken up soon before harvest. Either way I've already got a nice yield in store from this one. Thankfully the light-burned bud at the top has been repairing itself with new green calyxes so hopefully I won't need to remove any at the end.

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Magic Dragon - Fatpants is starting to yellow up and show some cloudy trichs so hopefully the end is coming soon. These buds are fat as hell and worry me with the humidity getting higher than I would like. Like other dragons I've grown, not a ton of smell but a pleasant peppery green banana aroma when you touch the buds. The purple calyxes are lovely.

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Thanks for checking in, folks! :tiphat:

"AFN smoke out"


Dude.....Very nice man. Impressive.
Wicked job on a multi strain run. You had a lot on your hands. Congrats and enjoy the smoke. Im chopping my first grow in 2 weeks!
holy crap!
friggen amazing looking dude!
every plant looks awesome and has somthing "standoutish" going for it,love the dragon!
Ur going to get a nice tasty harvest for sure,with some variety! :D