Indoor A4's Autos

Day 25 Ultra Lemon Haze and NLxBB
Day 23 Black Cream(4)

The Ultra Lemon Haze is beginning to look like the real mccoy. I am pretty stoked to see how she turns out because she is outgrowing them all by leaps and bounds. The Black Cream were beginning to presex last week and she just started last night so she is going to be a good bit longer grow but hopefully it will be worth the wait.

Ultra Lemon Haze




Black Cream







:pass: A4 brudda, I'm late, but in time for the best part at least! :doh: ..... great line up of strains this round,... BC's should bring some lovely colors, along with that Red Family famous aromatics and flavors! Nl x BB was really hot for a while when they first came out, but the surge of new genetics kinda left them in the swirling dust,... a fine strain if I recall rightly :thumbsup:... Too bad about the Destroyers, but that ULH should cover your energetic buzz needs plenty well! Interesting breeder note on her, about keeping her light cycle at 16/8 max,... Are you doing 18/6? She's a beaut' for sure! :spels:... all are looking very nice indeed,.. You're under MH light now? What nute's are you running?
:pass: A4 brudda, I'm late, but in time for the best part at least! :doh: ..... great line up of strains this round,... BC's should bring some lovely colors, along with that Red Family famous aromatics and flavors! Nl x BB was really hot for a while when they first came out, but the surge of new genetics kinda left them in the swirling dust,... a fine strain if I recall rightly :thumbsup:... Too bad about the Destroyers, but that ULH should cover your energetic buzz needs plenty well! Interesting breeder note on her, about keeping her light cycle at 16/8 max,... Are you doing 18/6? She's a beaut' for sure! :spels:... all are looking very nice indeed,.. You're under MH light now? What nute's are you running?

Waira, thanks for dropping in on me little grow here and laying some kind words down. I was really just growing what autos I had left in my stash to be honest. I dug through to find what I had and that is what I came up with.

As for your questions, no I am running 20/4. I figured I would start out there and if she needed to go lower I would put her in with my photos but since we are seeing pistils I think she will be fine at that. It may take a little longer in flowering but that won't bother me. As for the lighting, I am running 600W MH and 400W HPS in there. I used to switch it up but I have gotten to where I just run two lamps and dial them down with my digital ballasts. As they get bigger I will bump the wattage up accordingly. With the photos I end up with both running 1000W each because I like the long veg times but I hope I don't have to do that with these. If I get much above 1000W in the room then I have to start the AC up and then electricity gets ridiculous. It is holding mid 70s F right now with 1000W so I am happy with that. The nutrients, well it is just Foliage Pro right now. I honestly don't really have a ml/gal I follow. I add enough Foliage Pro to get my Ec up to around 1.2 and then pH to 5.6 or so. Another week or two and I will start raising both slowly up to around 2.0 Ec and 6.3 pH. I was using Pro Tekt but this new Foliage Pro I just received has the silica included so I am super stoked about that. Probably three more weeks and I will switch to Bloom nutrients. I am just using DynaGro. No additives, no enhancers. Foliage Pro in veg and Bloom in bloom and call it a day. Well, I lie, I did use some Clonex in the seedling stages. Just a few ml/gal when cotyledons and a small sprinkle of Great White mycos on sowing and another small sprinkle during transplant. I reuse my Promix and do about a 70:30 old to new ratio so there aren't much starter nutes in there like fresh out of the bag. I never could get my pH down to where I liked it with 100% fresh Promix, it would stay up at 6.7ish the first month of the grow no matter what I did. So, I began working old Promix back in to the new until I found a formula I liked. They claim all over their website that it should be lower but I will be darned if I could ever get it to agree with me. I had a long conversation with Muddy years ago and he was running in to the same problems with his. Always too high early on. I experimented with Aluminum Sulfate some but decided the negatives outweighed the positives and especially the unknown of smoking flowers that had been exposed to alum. As usual, I erred on the cautious side and just decided it wasn't worth the possible exposure. Now, with the 70:30 ratio it is real easy to drop the pH down quickly and hold it there without excess phosphoric acid. Normally the nutrients are enough to keep it tamped down so long as I have a good supply of rain water to use. If I do have to go to tap then it takes a little phosphoric.

Anywho, sorry for the long reply, just figured I would get you caught up on where I was at.
Hey brother,
So, I'm assuming the OSS Auto Destroyers never broke ground. Was looking forward to those, as I know that everyone who has grown the photo version loves it.

Plants looking healthy as always my friend!

You are correct Stick. Shame really because I was looking forward to them as well. They were old stock but not any older than the rest that popped up happy and healthy.
your girls are looking nice as allways m8 .. ill be lurking around :)
Brother SIN, it is always a pleasure to have you along my friend. I am so happy to see you sneaking around. Please shoot me a PM when you have a moment and let me know how things are going with you. I hope everything worked out well for you on the medical front! You are sincerely a site for sore eyes my friend. A true gentleman in all aspects and I wish you nothing but the best!

A little update for the ladies, they are coming along all very nicely. The stretch is in full swing and other than a little runt of a Black Cream, I am quite impressed with all of their progress. The Black Creams are all showing a little variance in phenotypes, which is fine with me. I am not a big fan of an absolutely stable strain. I like a little variance in the phenos and it is apparent that is what we have.

The Ultra Lemon Haze just continues to impress and I have seen absolutely no reason to drop her down from 20/4 as suggested on their website. She is flowering just fine at 20/4 and I will keep her there.

The NLxBB is impressive, albeit not so much so sitting next to that sati dominant lady. I believe she will be a good yielder when it is all said and done.

None have really given me any problems at all. That one scrawny looking Black Cream is kind of finicky about here nutrients in the beginning but she is coming along fine and looks like she will give a nice supply of flowers, so she stays with the remainder.

Thanks to all for following along, I hope you see something you like and decide to give it a try. Much love and peace to all.

Day 35 Ultra Lemon Haze and NLxBB
Day 33 Black Cream(4)

Black Cream [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]


Black Cream [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]


Black Cream [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]


Black Cream [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG]


Ultra Lemon Haze



Day 43 Ultra Lemon Haze and NLxBB
Day 41 Black Cream(4)

Things are coming along well. The Black Cream are all over the place, a couple tall ones, a couple short ones, producing well though except for [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] which was the runt of the bunch. The ULH is a major shrub and looks like there will be no more height growth in her. The production rate is looking good though so I ain't complaining.

Black Cream 1


Black Cream 2



Black Cream 3


Black Cream 4






Ladies were moved outside this morning. It is beginning to look like we have seen our worst nights past us so I probably going to keep them outside from this point on. My photos are all screaming to get in the grow room too. Just about to outgrow my veg tent.
