Dutch Passion A-train's Dutch Passion Auto Ultimate x2

uys quick update.... I am and always will be terrified of fucking bud rot.... I installed an extra 6 inch fan. I'll be running them both during flower on different levels an on hi in late flower due to the thick heavy colas the AU is capable of producing I would hate to get some rot going on.

And call me a cheap ass but I hokked up my phresh filter today. In the veg period I do not run the filter just so I can run my fan @70 percent and get the same air flow with less power. And from phresh they claim a 1 year life of product so I figure un hook it when the smell isn't bad and hook it up only when needed maybe I'll get 2 years out of it?.

A few pics

Olga is in the front now Helga in the rear.
Gonna be quite a canopy in the tent within the next week or so mate.
Doc, is that fan held on in the corner by zip tie? Great idea, I've been trying to figure out how to get my fans to fit the corners of my tent. I think,:cheers: once again, you have showed me the way.
I know @TimTaylor I wish I had room for a bigger tent

@Heavily Medicated , yes there are small clips under them to keep them from sliding down but I leave the zip ties a little loose for verticle adjustment

I feel the same way when i see some of the monsters people on here are growing but im happy with my lil ladies