Dutch Passion A-train's Dutch Passion Auto Ultimate x2

I'm subbing right now....I have a couple questions though.
1. What kind of hooks were those that you use to keep the plants bent over?
2. I'll be using an LED 600w (284w actual draw) for my for 2 plants in a 36x20x64 tent. I just put my beans into soil yesterday and wanted to know how high should I start my light off?

Thank you in advance for your response. I'll be starting my first thread shortly
The hooks I made work great for training in fact my first plant had about 20 in it when I harvested her lol. All it is is pieces of solid copper wire. It's the same wire used to wire your house. The braided electrical wire will not work but 12 or 14 ga solid is perfect....

And to be honest I am yet to run led this will be my first go with it so I don't know how far that particular light should be getting started. I will say if it were me idea start around 30 inches and if the sprout pop up and begins to stretch lower it down, it won't cause any problems. But if you start too close it could damage the sprout so better safe than sorry imo
Day 30

Pic update
The hooks I made work great for training in fact my first plant had about 20 in it when I harvested her lol. All it is is pieces of solid copper wire. It's the same wire used to wire your house. The braided electrical wire will not work but 12 or 14 ga solid is perfect....

And to be honest I am yet to run led this will be my first go with it so I don't know how far that particular light should be getting started. I will say if it were me idea start around 30 inches and if the sprout pop up and begins to stretch lower it down, it won't cause any problems. But if you start too close it could damage the sprout so better safe than sorry imo
yes, 24-30 inch is a good starting point on these LED. if they stretch lower it. in flower hang about 18 inch and adjust as needed

that tent looks like an operating room Doc. go figure, lol. they sure are filling out nicely.
@elsamurai ... funny you say that. It's no OR by any means but the years in the military put a little OCD in me as far as schedule and clenliness I must admit. After every grow my tent is sanitized top to bottom with simple green and hood cleaned each bulb changed with windex lol
Ok atrain, if that is your real name. you use the copper wire. I understand hooping it around the plant but how do you anchor it to the pot? I've been using gardening velcro stripping and that sticks right to the pot! :)

Never mind. I went back and saw what you are doing. You may want to consider the velcro, it is so easy to use. I re use mine and have them already cut and waiting for when I need one.
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