Dutch Passion A-train's Dutch Passion Auto Ultimate x2

Looking good doc ! Healthy girls and great pics as always. I'm syked to have the play by play on this one, so I can see just how this is done on a step by step basis. It's weird for me doc - my first grow I was afraid to breath on my plants too hard for fear of hurting them, so it seems unnatural. Not to mention a lot of the online tutorials skip steps and have unclear pics that leave me guessing.
I'm late for class, but I made it - thanks for having me ! :weed::peace::weed:

Good to have ya tetra9.... hopefully I can train the to live up to expectations.... if not. At least we'll all learn something together
Dude!!! Thats one hell of a main stalk. Gunna be pushing lots of juice to those buds.
Day 27

This update is to note a feed change and show more training teqniques

I'm now feeding 2ml/L grow / micro / bloom /b52 but I'm feeding every 1 and 1/2 days with 1L of water

And I'm now training other branches. With the smart pots my normal way didn't work so I now use paper clips on the side of the pot and cut strip of trash bag to loop around the limb and through the paper clip then use clear scotch tape to secure it to its self. This anchors the limb down without tie in a knot on the plant end and potentially cutting off circulation... I'm now opening the plant up as much as possible to spur more interior growth up for main colas.




And the sisters

smart! i have always been curious about smart pots because of possible lst issues but this seems good. and extra like for that strips :greenthumb:
Ok I got Helga and Olga trained and opened up like I want..... now we need some stretch so I raised the light up to the roof.. . I'm a let them stretch then hit them hard in flower
nice repurpose for the LST. the small stings and wires don't do as nice of job as something wide and open. looking real good Doc
Day 29

This post is to document that the lights are being raised to max height to allow for stretch now that my LST has provided the structure I want . As soon as the stretch slows or stops I'll be taking the metal halide and hood out and placing a 1200w mars 2 LED panel in to flower these girls .......
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