Indoor A-Train and Amare ..... Solar Eclipse 250 / 450 UVB Perpetual Autoflower Grow

Greetings @A-Train. Thanks for posting your feeding schedule (pages 1 & 16). I'll be starting my 2nd grow real soon (using a 2nd Amare SE450 that I recently picked up), and I'll be continuing to use the AN nute line - to which I've recently added Recharge and Mammouth-P. As I continue to learn and tweak things, had a couple of questions if you don't mind.

1) What is the dosage of the Roots Excellurator Gold that you're using from day 1-5? Do you follow their suggestion of: "Add 1.1 ml of Roots Excelurator to every gallon of water in the nutrient solution." ?
2) When you do the weekly Recharge & SLF100, I assume that they are added to the solution of whatever else is on the schedule for that week, and not done solo with no other nutrients that day.
3) I'm growing in coco/perilite. Would you think your schedule might need some changes for that medium? Like maybe Cal-Mag sooner or longer or more due to the Amare-Effect ?
4) I share your concern for the price-point of Mammouth-P. But, man-o-man, what about the pricing on the Roots Excellurator -- they don't call it "Gold" for nothin. I reckon you must really like it?

Greetings @A-Train. Thanks for posting your feeding schedule (pages 1 & 16). I'll be starting my 2nd grow real soon (using a 2nd Amare SE450 that I recently picked up), and I'll be continuing to use the AN nute line - to which I've recently added Recharge and Mammouth-P. As I continue to learn and tweak things, had a couple of questions if you don't mind.

1) What is the dosage of the Roots Excellurator Gold that you're using from day 1-5? Do you follow their suggestion of: "Add 1.1 ml of Roots Excelurator to every gallon of water in the nutrient solution." ?
2) When you do the weekly Recharge & SLF100, I assume that they are added to the solution of whatever else is on the schedule for that week, and not done solo with no other nutrients that day.
3) I'm growing in coco/perilite. Would you think your schedule might need some changes for that medium? Like maybe Cal-Mag sooner or longer or more due to the Amare-Effect ?
4) I share your concern for the price-point of Mammouth-P. But, man-o-man, what about the pricing on the Roots Excellurator -- they don't call it "Gold" for nothin. I reckon you must really like it?


Whats up brother... feel free to ask anything anytime thats why were all here...

1) i place .5 liters in my feed jug.... then i use a dropper and place 5 drops in the .5ml and stir it up... that stuff is super concentrated doesnt take much and 5 drops is probably actually over kill.. 2 or 3 will do..

2)No the RECHARGE and slf 100 are done on a 1 time weekly water only day. Dont think by givinvg recharge you are not feeding. The slf and recharge add enough hungery bacteria that they enable your roots to take up the excess nutes being broken down more proficiently so they are def still feeding on the recharge day.. but they are given alone 1 time weekly just slf and RECHARGE ONLY

3) im a total coco nube i would think i use a ton of cal mag to anyones standard but start sooner would help... youll be feeding more often so you may have to back the base nutes down .5ml or so for some strains...

But honestly it should be pretty spot on for coco as well.... the key will be the ph ... i highly reccomend RO water to allow the AN nutes to auto buffer

4)i do like it but only buy a very small bottle... its all youll ever need... at 3 to 5 DROPS every .5 ml and only for the first few doses ots a 1 time purchace for a hobby grower.
Slater :biggrin: I bet there's something to that! It makes solid sense,...

...A-T' didn't you get some pepper seeds from FD? :eyebrows:... some epic salsa to made this season in any case!..... oh, these are the photo girls: Think Fast, Cannalope Haze, Psicodelicia, Crystal Candy, Atomic, FairyBreath 2.0, Mephisto F1 Sour Bubble/Chemdawg x Alien OG,.. I have a Purple Trainwreck germ'ing,.. a couple seeds failed on me (Burmese Diesel, Orange Hill Special),.. last back-up if this PTW fragg's is La S.A.G.E,... My space for auto's is very limited, or I'd run the P300 and more strains for sure,...
... I think the SD 1g bud will be the size of a large marble, more!
That is one sweet list of strains ya have on hand there brother...
Fantastic and precise set of answers on your feed schedule. That really helps lay it all out for me. I'm going to give the program a run as soon as I harvest my 1st grow and get the tent space opened up. Many thanks. :bighug:
Took a few pics as the lights came on

fast buds green crack


Northern Lights


Lemon skunk


Then in the flower tent

Dark Devil


gorilla OG


Stone Dragon



@A-Train Always a pleasure to read through your grows :smoking: I'm not going to lie, I liked when your grows were under 10 pages long. Haha catching up on your grows, now that you've mastered the craft, is like reading the Harry Potter series (actually, more comparable to the Cannabis Grow Bible by Greg Green).

Anyway, congrats on all of your great plants/harvests and the bud porn. I'm jealous of your backyard, and the variety of plants you grow is amazing. Very neat and clean, I love it.

Do you feed your outdoor plants with chlorinated tap water or is it dechlorinated from a well? I'm struggling to come up with a way to get large amounts of dechlorinated water to feed my outdoor girls since I don't have a well, and would like to protect the plants' rhizospheres. I'm wondering how much it matters in a large Smart Pot...

I'll be hanging around, asking questions, and learning from all of the different techniques you use to maximize your plant's potential.

Continued luck, cheers!
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Thanks for stopping in man its good to have you here. No the outdoor plants all are watered by chlorinated water. I have a well but i never bought the pump to get the water up the hill lol.